Nikhil Asopa, senior VP & head of customer service at Tata Digital, on why young leaders need to get their foundation solid, and keep empathy at the core while climbing the ladder.
He also has a special note for Iyer Premkumar, COO of HAWK (Gozoop Group) and his team. Don't miss that! 🎉
Check out the final segment of the episode. ⬇
Content: Priyanka Nair
Production: Joel Jose | Dharmesh Bhadra | Vinay Rathor | Rahul Gawali | Harshal Ichale | Akash Prasad#BreakTheBox is GOZOOP Group's flagship interview series, where we dive deep into the stories of entrepreneurs, future-ready marketers, growth hackers, and creative geniuses, who don’t just think outside the box, but break it.
In your videos that I've seen, right, lot of emphasis is on leadership and one of your favorite quote is the team is as good as the leader is something that we also invite in our leadership circles, right, for our young viewers. From your experience, what is the biggest leadership challenge that you faced and that has shaped the way you are today? Sir, on what I've done in my life. Somewhat good things are all the result of the challenges in the crisis I have placed in my life. So I think Virat Kohli said this very beautifully that all the learnings he has done, it is only from his failures, nothing from his achievements. OK, which is I think I agree with that part unless you and actually our chairman puts it very beautifully. He says that if you will sit at a place for sure nothing bad will happen to you, but nothing good will happen to you. But you kind of get up, walk, you may form OK, but then you will stand up again and do something. Unless you do certain things right, OK, you will not basically challenge the status quo and then grow and progress. Sitting at one place will not help you gain anything, correct? Same is with me also. I can give you a couple of examples from my earlier days. From the recent role which I'm doing it so I remember I was. Client partner in Germany for one of the customers again G customer. And for some reason. We basically were doing 1 project which we had to transition it to our competition. So we were doing it in a way to transition into. So I wrote the mail to my boss at Intrigue. This customized candidates enough transitioning it our project to some other project. And just as an FYI to Hindi OK, I'm going to inform you that it was a 2 liner e-mail to let him know because I was a little. Hesitant and uncomfortable that I'm writing a bad news to him. To this my boss. Wrote a big A4 size e-mail to me. OK in a very beautiful manner of explaining. They took a while to win. A project is important. But to retain a project. Is more important than that. So winning and losing a project is fine, but once you have won the project, that means your job is to misfit, delight the customer and keep that deliver. Come what? Keep that customer happy, right? If you lose that existing project, it's a bigger crime, it's a bigger failure. OK, that one e-mail changed my perception of how you have to, basically. Retain whether it is a B2B customer or we deserve the same practice or same learning. I am deploying it in my today's role where anybody who comes on data new OK he buys a product or service and he comes to us for if they need if he or she needs any help OK make sure that customers problem is getting solved because I do not want that customer to go to go out of that unit because. It is not it is not a just a app. What he's complaining. He's basically having a big trust in the word called data. He comes to our app to shop because of the emotion connect, which he has, right? OK. And it is our duty to make sure to whatever challenge he is, we solve, solve in the most empathetic manner. That's what that's what I read and claim. That is the principle of my life, my professional life across the world, which I'm doing. Growth can only happen when your base is strong. You can't keep on losing clients. And adding more than your -1 already I, I tell this to my training team. OK, so whenever we. Start so we keep adding categories, right? So we recently onboarded here India, we onboarded with Tara, now our app. So for every onboarding of a new product or a new category, there is a journey which you have people have to train our people are agents OK on what the construct is, what are the use cases and so forth. So I keep telling my training team, OK, you are the foundation of what we'll see it six months later. If this foundation of training is not. Best you will find problems Siemens 6 months down the line. So even if you need more time to train our people to make sure they are not perfect, OK, then only will graduate them so that they can start handling customer queries. OK, but don't compromise. Even a day, even an hour on that effort, that is the most important part. Wait, wait, what do we do now? Bears it absolutely. And it's important and it's completely for a. So you can put it in a very selfish reason, OK, so that I don't basically get into lot of issues and challenges from my customer later, right, better. I promise my foundation very strong, true and rather focus on the main business. Yes, absolutely perfect, great, great. So that's that's amazing. And it's always been a pleasure to talk to you the day when I met you at interesting insights, interesting perspective with your experience. So thank you for coming here. Thank you so much and thank you for your contribution. Way to make this entire Tata new journey a success, OK And we'll continue to count on you and just like. I have a habit of. Collecting ideas and listening to people because every person comes with a different perspective, correct? OK. So I would continue to look forward for your suggestion and ideas whenever you feel. Now you know our business better, so we work. We have to win. Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you so much and thanks.
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