In recent technology, many amps have built-in measurement software and predictive filters or combined responses. This is a great tool! However, this does not mean critical thinking is suppressed just because the tool can easily make a flat line (assumed on-axis). Remember, just because it looks flat on the screen, it doesn't mean it sounds "flat." Here is a screenshot of a past loudspeaker optimization project. #HXAudioLab #Audio #HadiSumoro #FilterHose #Loudspeaker #SoundSystemTuning #SoundSystemOptimization #SoundSystem #ArchitecturalAcoustics #AV #Crossover #FrequencyResponse #Magnitude #PowerResponse
When is flat flat? Do we need flat or minimal deviation from our target curve?
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Hadi, you are telling the truth! A flat line doesn't tell an accurate story! The human transducers don't always tell the truth either. We get into the land of subjectivity. Sometimes human hearing becomes an obstacle. Believe me, I've faced it many times in deep discussions with managers (who had sign-off responsibility) at various companies. How then can we have agreement on preferences and objective sound metrics? We've come close; however, there is always room for improvement. Our measurement tools also have limitations, especially if the tools are designed with large rooms in mind!