Our Duncan was our man on the ground at yesterday's Institute of Internal Communication conference in Manchester. We asked him what his top three takeaways from the day were: 1. Give your employees autonomy. janet leighton Director of Happiness, Timpsons Limited explained how they operate an ‘Upside Down’ Management structure so all their retail colleagues have licence to run the retail outlets in the want as long as it leads to strong customer service. And to know they have the full support of the rest of the business. 2. Capture the diversity of voice. Ian MacArthur, Director Good Employment Charter talked about the importance of accommodating diverse working styles and the needs of different generational types. 3. Constantly ask yourself: ‘What’s the point in doing this activity or piece of communication?’ Northern Trains, Luke Pearce CIIC, Employee Experience Manager reminded us that understanding the status quo through data and research is easy but ‘Taking it, communicating and acting on it is the hard bit. What happens next is the real crunch.’ #InternalCommunications #EmployeeEngagement
As our one-day conference in Manchester comes to a close, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our incredible speakers for sharing their expertise, our engaged participants for lively discussions and enthusiasm and our sponsor Oak Engage for their valuable support! 🙌 Your contributions made today truly inspiring. Speakers: Danielle Chavrimootoo Melanie Hinds FIIC, BA Hons, MCIPR Amraze Khan, Chartered MCIPD janet leighton Ian MacArthur Dr. Christopher Owen Luke Pearce CIIC Tsara Smith Scott Whitney Hosts: Jennifer Sproul Dominic Walters IoIC team: Rebecca Nicholls Ronit Abiyani #IoICConference #InternalCommunication #ManchesterEvent #ThankYou #ProfessionalDevelopment