Had a great discussion in Aayera The Software Defined Summit 2024 and glad to be a panelist for the discussion on Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Challenges in Software-Defined Vehicles where we discussed: 1- What all aspects V2X and ADAS should consider before going in the development stage 2- How risky the centralisation of ECUs are 3- What are problems OEMs and Tier 1 are facing in supply chain in terms of Cybersecurity 4- How #MBSE is reducing time and effort in constructing the cybersecurity requirements and goals. 5- How can someone merge ISO26262 and ISO21434 for the system to make it safe and secure CADFEM India had a discussion with multiple participants about how Ansys solutions for Cybersecurity - Ansys medini analyze can become an important asset in defining the cybersecurity goals and requirements #functionalsafety #automotive #automotivesecurity #mbse #SDV #ADAS
Great Job Harsh Singh!
Decision Science Consultant @Fractal Analytics
5moCongratulations 🎊