Over the past two days, attendees at our 18th Global Citizenship Conference gained invaluable insights into optimizing global investment strategies and navigating increasingly complex legal landscapes and forged connections that drive personal and professional growth and opportunity. We would like to thank our excellent host, Alex Gray, and all of the delegates and attendees, sponsors, partners, and event organizers for being part of this year’s event and helping to make it an unforgettable one. We look forward to the 19th Global Citizenship Conference next year. ActiveCap - Capital Partners, SCR, S.A., Benrock Capital, Laferla Insurance Group, Mercan Capital LTD, PrimeDevelopments LTD, Spark Capital, Tipolis, Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Unit, CanAm Enterprises, Dolce Visa SICAF, Exiger, Hilton Global Associates, IMA Grenada, MIBS Group, Nauru Economic and Climate Resilience Citizenship Program Office, Pacific Technology Ventures, Kentriki - Savills Hellas, Slateford, S-RM, Bison Bank, and Investment Migration Council. #globalcitizenshipconference #singapore #investmentmigration #citizenshipbyinvestment #residencebyinvestment #henleypartners #henleyandpartners #henleyglobal