October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 🎗 Early detection is SOOO important!!! Having an annual mammogram is the best tool you have to detection and survival.
Don't be afraid of the 5-10 minutes you think you may feel slightly uncomfortable. Don't be afraid of how you think it might hurt for a few minutes. Don't be afraid of "being embarrassed".
BUT...definitely be afraid of what happens if you don't go---if you don't take the simple step of taking 10 minutes to get an exam. Find out- don't hide out!!
Take a friend or family member for support, make a lunch or dinner date afterwards, get a fun t-shirt to wear when you go, schedule a group of you and your friends or family to all have one done....whatever it takes...
#breastcancerawareness #earlydetection
Early detection saves lives, but 1 in 3 women are not getting screened for breast cancer.
This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, tell someone you love to get screened.