Case Study- Google vs. MakeMyTrip: 2023 SCC OnLine Del 7965 Brief facts: Google and MakeMyTrip clashed over trademark infringement issues. MakeMyTrip, a prominent player in the online travel industry, accused Google of unlawfully allowing competitors to bid on its trademarked keywords, thereby diverting traffic and diluting its brand identity. The case delved into the complexities of online advertising, trademark protection, and the responsibilities of tech giants in safeguarding intellectual property rights. Relief sought for : Suit came to be filed seeking permanent injunction against from bidding for, adopting or using MakeMyTrip’s registered word marks through the Google Ads Program or use the same in any manner. Conclusion : It was determined that in seven out of ten instances when a user searches for “MakeMyTrip,”'s sponsored link appears second to MIPL’s link, indicating also bids for MIPL’s trademarks as keywords. However, it's important to note that when a user searches for MIPL’s trademarks, Google’s search engine prioritizes MIPL’s web address in organic search results. Therefore, the court concluded that there's no likelihood of internet users being misled into believing that the services offered by are those of MIPL. As a result, MIPL cannot claim any such rights under the Trade Marks Act. #ipr #trademarkinfringement #DigitalLaw #Lawswithrachna Rachna Shroff
Manager, International Tax and Transaction Services at EY
8moUsing this as a reference, emerging companies can shadow known trademarked keywords to get better results on Google search.