🚛 Tamil Nadu's IT Minister Takes the Wheel at the Gaming Pavilion🚀 🎮 We were honored to have the IT Minister of Tamil Nadu Dr P Thiaga Rajan experience our latest hit game Truck Masters: India firsthand at Umagine TN 2024! 🚗 The minister was initially hesitant about trying the game until he noticed our steering wheel setup. Then it was game on! With the eagerness of someone who loves driving but doesn't get to do it often, the minister embarked on a virtual journey from Vellore to Krishnagiri. 🚦 His cautious approach, waiting for the signal to turn green before departing, drew a chuckle when we suggested he not wait and keep driving. It was a lighthearted moment that highlighted his adherence to rules, even in the virtual world. 🗺️ As he navigated through the game, discovering its expansive map covering over 100 cities in India, his interest was piqued. He even inquired about the route he was currently driving on, showcasing his genuine engagement with the experience. 🙏 We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the IT Minister for not only immersing himself in our game but also for his instrumental role in arranging the Tamil Nadu Gaming Pavilion. Your support and encouragement mean the world to us, and we're proud to be part of such an exciting initiative. Jeno Manickam Durairaj Mohammed Irfan Prashanth Krishnan #Umagine2024 #GamingInnovation #TechInTamilNadu #HighbrowInteractive #TruckMastersIndia