For some reason, Memorial Day this year seems more important than years past. More than usual it seems, people are expressing their understanding of Memorial Day and the sacrifices made by service members who gave everything for a cause. In the United States, service members primarily fight and die for freedom. Some warfighters fight for the flag and what it represents, some fight for their fellow soldiers to their left and right, and for some, usually Marines, go to war because they like to kick ass and break stuff.
Much of the remembrance and ceremony today is quickly forgotten until next year, except by the family members that were left behind. Those who died are in a better place now, having moved on from this world. The hardest part about a servicemember paying the ultimate price is the impact it leaves on those they left behind. The brothers in arms that were equally committed to having their back but lived on. The family members who check their email and text messages over and over hoping that the new lonely reality they live in is some sort of mistake or simply a bad dream. The sorrow that comes with loss is hardest on the families and friends that carry on in their absence. The kids that grow up without a parent. Only pictures and stories to remember. Or some families that are tormented by the mental traumas inflicted by their war torn loved one while they were still alive.
War is a nightmare and it leaves a trail of physical and emotional trauma that persist. War is not something to be taken lightly. When humans decide to kill each other for a cause, it needs to be a very good cause. Today, we are on the brink of WW3, with open warfare being glamorized as necessary. The financial motivated, the power motivated, and the purely evil are banging the drums of war again. Consider those calling for war, have they experienced the carnage and sacrifice that comes with it? Or do they cowardly sit back, arrogantly pushing their power to further personal agendas?
The U.S. is under attack from within, assaulted by anti-human forces intent on eliminating what it means to be American. They disdain individual liberty and the founding principles of this country, seeing patriotism as bad and personal freedom as inconvenient to their global plans.
This Memorial Day, reflect on where this country is and where it’s going.
We face an emergency today. Conscription of the population through military draft is being kicked around casually. Business as usual is over. Patriotic Americans must rally around the principles of freedom like never before in our history. We are sitting on the edge of losing this country. Stand up for good and call out the bad. We are being led by a banking elite that don’t have our best interests in mind. It’s time to honor the fallen, speak up, stand up, call out wrongs, and pray we get through this period without losing more. World Peace is the way forward today. All it takes is leadership and negotiation to get there.
Chief Executive Officer, HMTX Industries
2wJimmy Carter has inspired so many!! I am one of the millions . One of the greatest blessings of my life was to work side-by-side with President Carter in Edmomdton Canada at the Carter Work Project in 2017. We must let our hearts be filled with gratitude that God allowed Jimmy Carter to be on this Earth for 100 years and so many people were impacted by his faith and love around the world. Lets keep the faith and continue the progress of his and Rosalynn’s incredible work at Habitat for Humanity Harlan