Interested in learning more about the Colorado Green Business Network? Check out our 2024 Impact Report! We are incredibly proud of the work that is being done by our business members and regional partners. Learn more today by clicking the link below!
Helping infrastructure project stakeholders - contractors, authorities, and developers - enhance land referencing accuracy and productivity through AI-driven strategies | AI Transformation Training days for 8 ppl £2100
Quick Land Referencing Tip:
Whenever you are conducting any land referencing tasks, get into the habit of always cross-referencing multiple sources of information to maintain accuracy.
What would be your first source for property or land information? This is just one of the many strategies we'll explore in-depth in my upcoming course, Mastering Land Referencing – A Professional’s Guide.
Sign up for my newsletter to receive regular land referencing tips.
This is a great opportunity for environmentally-impacted communities.
What is the Thriving Communities Grant?
Grantmaking teams nationwide will distribute $600 million nationwide from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), funded by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. Eligible applicants are nonprofits, local governments, grassroots organizations, and Native, Indigenous, rural, border, and urban communities tackling unsafe housing, pollution, lack of access to clean water, reducing extreme heat, and more.
If eligible, your organization can receive $150K - $350K in funding to help your community access the resources they need to solve problems, build resilience for the future, and create healthier neighborhoods for everyone.
Hear from the Region 9 Thriving Communities Grantmaker (TCGM) partner, Liberty Hill, on the new, highly-anticipated TCGM grant program. Learn how to access this key funding source, where to find technical assistance, and leave the webinar with resources and actionable next steps for funding and technical support. Join us to refresh or begin your land reuse journey. You don’t want to miss this!
#p2p, web3 and web 3.0, Network State, Coordi-Nation, Open Value Neteworks and a p2p society... How can we make sense of all of this? Wow is this broad movement against the old order structured, what are the main factions and the relations between them?
One thing is clear, the #Nation#State and its supporting #economy (a mix of #capitalism and #socialism in various proportoons) are collapsing under their own rot.
Many interest groups are imagining the future. Some elements of this future already exist today, like the #Bitcoin network for example, living in a trans-national space, beyond the power of the State, of any other traditional institution, making the individual sovereign when it comes to economic transactions.
But some of these imagined futures are incompatible with one another. The kernel of these incompatibilities lies in the concept of sovereignty. Who or what will be sovereign in the post-National world? Will it be #corporations, individuals (like with the Bitcoin implementation) or some other type of (legal moral) entities? These different possibilities will find their own imementations and will determine how society will function.
For example, those who use corporations as an organizational vehicle to build critical digital infrastructure and offer it as a service to people out there, are pushing to obtain a trans-national status for these companies. The individual will be dependent on these proprietary infrastructures, utilities, therefore it will not be sovereign, but subject to these corporations.
Those who associate with the example of Bitcoin mentioned here-above are pushing for individual sovereignty, building critical infrastructure that cannot belong to anyone or any particular entity, and offering utilities that no Nation or corporation, no matter how powerful, can control.
There are also those who think that the State will survive, but in a different form, to guarantee the commons and common infrastructure, mediating between people with entrepreneurial inclinations and people with more altruistic and social inclinations. In this scenario the individual is subject to both, the State and corporations, the State having supremacy, which is in theory the situation today.
Yet another faction, the #Devos / #WEF people, advocate for a similar arrangement to the last one, but with the State being subject to new transnational institutions like the WEF, maintaining the individual in a state of dependency. This is actually, precisely the situation today (see Schwab's comment "We penetrated the Cabinets...").
All these factions use a similar terminology but mean different things. The people need to be informed and make their own decisions. Let's put some clarity into these importabt matters.
Stay tuned for the video...
Founder @ Tools for the Commons | Regenerating public goods | Network societies
Governing the Commons: a more vocal approach within the French-speaking media.
Michel Bauwens, founder of the P2P Foundation, is one of the most inspiring person I met in the Commons management & public goods industry.
Along with Emmanuelle Grangier, Michel and I had a deep session on our work and vision at Tools for the Commons, including:
- New governance systems;
- New cosmo-local sovereignties to regenerate the Commons outside the exclusive framework of the Nation State;
Later this week, we will debate, challenge, and possibly enrich the project and nail down the vision with Tiberius Brastaviceanu, co-founder at Sensorica, and Pierre Noizat, founder & CEO at Paymium, on Prenez Place's platform.
Link to Prenez Place:
Link to the recording with Michel and Emmanuelle:
Want your #grantproposal to stand out? Learn how to integrate a theoretical framework into your narrative to strengthen the rationale and impact of your project from Hanover grant experts. Register now!
Hi LinkedIn folks and particularly water data colleagues, we're launching the first CaDC book club to help commemorate the ten year anniversary of this pioneering initiative! I hope you dive in :)
With the advent of January, we just past the nine-year anniversary of the CaDC, meaning we are now in the tenth year of our organization! It’s an exciting time and also an opportunity for reflection on what the next ten years might hold.
In the enduring CaDC spirit of openness, creativity, and data-driven pluck, here are a couple of books that I have either A) read and hope to reread with the water data community or B) have started and believe offer an excellent opportunity to read with the community. The tentative reading schedule is as follows:
1. The goal is to read Project Phoenix by the April Steering Committee. It’s three sections, so one per month.
2. Boom is scheduled to be read by the Water Data Summit at the end of Summer.
3. Connect and Quest are DIY human development projects, so can be self-paced and really are best with connection and discussion.
We will coordinate all the book reading in the CaDC forum. My sincere hope is that you dear reader join in this intellectual adventure. Please consider this an invitation to read the books below and join in on the CaDC community forum!
Attention grantseekers: Are you looking for answers to your grantmaking questions? We’ve got you covered!
The FAQ page on our website is designed to help you navigate the grant application journey smoothly.
Can't find your question addressed there? Let us know!
💡 When writing grants, do you know the difference between "Program Description" and "Program Approach"?
If seeing this on a grant application makes you hesitant, this post is for you! Simply put, Program Description is the "what," while Program Approach is the "how."
Want to learn more? (Because of course, there's more) Sign up for the Gold Dust Grants newsletter to receive additional information on this topic in this week's issue!
Navigating the maze of potential funders can be daunting, but here’s a strategy to sharpen your efforts: reverse prospect research based on your peer organizations' funders. 🗝
By looking at who funds organizations similar to yours, you can uncover new opportunities. Here's how:
✔Identify your peer organizations based on mission, size, geography
✔Use grant databases and IRS Form 990s to find funders
✔Engage with peers for insights and strategies
Remember, just because a funder supports a peer doesn’t mean they’ll fund you—so be sure to verify alignment and build relationships first!
I share tips like this in my weekly newsletter—sign up to stay informed! 👇