Hospitals on FHIR reposted this
Some of the key takeaways of the "EEHRxF technical challenges and solutions, cybersecurity" working session that I had the privilege to moderate last week during the XpanDH Project event in Brussels 🇧🇪 : 📈 the different maturity levels of current EHR systems across the Union suggest an incremental approach, promoting the exchange of unstructured (narrative) data first, and structured data at a later stage 🎯 incentives to the Member States to change their EHR infrastructures are needed, to achieve the ambitious goals of the upcoming #EHDS implementing acts 📱 the expected impact of the #EUDI Wallet is recognised, however, specific attention should be paid to the usability (not overloading patients with too much data to navigate and handle) and security, harmonizing the very different solutions implemented today in the Member States on #eID 💊 ePrescriptions and Patient Summary would be welcomed as first use cases to exploit the potential of the #EUDI Wallet Henrique Martins Carola Schulz Anderson Carmo Simon Lewerenz ARIA S.p.A. Lombardia Nicole Genovese Chiara Bellanca Gianluca Carletti