Maintaining productivity during Ramadan with reduced work hours requires… #ProductiveRamadan #LinkedInNewsMiddleEast During Ramadan, a person faces changes in sleeping hours and in eating habits in addition to limited window for work interaction with different stakeholders as official working hours are reduced by 25%. In order to maintain productivity during Ramadan, few actions seemed quite successful: 1- Considering working 4 days only per week (getting a longer weekend by getting weekly one day from annual leave during Ramadan) would embrace further energy during work and make better family events planning where efforts are better managed. 2- Preparing KPIs for work productivity during Ramadan with a weekly review would set suitable expectations and a good follow up mechanism to maintain track and achieve outcomes. 3- This can be coupled with flexible working hours (6 hours work that can start between 8 and 10 am according to each sleeping pattern and circumstances) so to maintain the main window of 10am to 2pm potential interaction with different stakeholders and colleagues and still insure focus and healthy cognitive status. in brief focusing on outcomes and not on micro level activities, giving flexibility while managing with pre-agreed clear targeted outcomes and Key Performance Indicators and making weekly review on the progress towards the agreed KPIs with corrective actions if necessary.
Managing Director at Content Solutions Gulf.
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