Early mobility in intensive care units.When you have a great successful team, the impossible is always possible. Imagine this is the case with every candidate who is not having contraindications for early mobility. Can you relate to the cost reductions arising from such a move? Not to mention the patients' satisfaction, staff empowerment, and autonomy. #TeamSuccess #PatientCare #StaffEmpowerment #valuecare #autonomy #education #recognition #adequatestaffing
Expert in Awake and Walking ICU Models | "Best Nursing Innovation" Winner | Transformative ICU Consultant | Acute Care Nurse Practitioner | "Walking Home From the ICU" Podcast
What you need to create an Awake and Walking ICU: Part 1 Let's start with talking about RESPIRATORY THERAPISTS, since we really don't talk about them enough. Look at my friend, Clint, in the green scrubs in this video. I don't know how many pairs of shoes he goes through in a year, but he does innumerable laps with patients around the unit. He takes every possible intubated patient out and around this ICU for TWO SESSIONS during his day shift. Respiratory therapists can be key leaders of early mobility in the ICU. They are in charge of getting patients off the ventilator. Preserving the muscular and cognitive capacity to independently breathe is ESSENTIAL to successful extubation. I have seen them rally the troops and call in their colleagues to say, "Let's do this. I'm going in for a vent check an ___o'clock." --- The teams falls in line. Respiratory therapists need: - ADEQUATE STAFFING - This is one of the BEST ways to advocate for staffing. The ABCDEF bundle decreases healthcare costs by at least 30%! - ANIALATION OF VALUE-LESS CARE - There are WAY too many unnecessary breathing treatments stop them from being available for life-saving mobility -AUTONOMY - I've seen some hospitals allow respiratory therapists to use critical thinking and clinical judgement to adjust ventilator settings and modes to improve support and comfort for patients. This all impacts sedation and mobility management. - Some hospitals tie the RTs' hands and require them to follow rigid protocols and chase down doctors for any minor changes. - EDUCATION - They need to be supported in being prepared to practice at the top of their license, critically think, and provide essential contributions to the team with their expertise. - They need to understand their role in the ABCDEF bundle beyond changing modes for SBTs. They also need to know how to troubleshoot SBTs to identify the cause of failure and bring the team together to address the problems. - RECOGNITION - I am amazed and honored to be associated with some of the most compassionate, knowledgeable, and skillful clinicians that are respiratory therapists. They need to be seen as the life-savers they are in the ICU. #respiratorytherapists, what else do you need to be able to optimize your role in creating an #AwakeandWalkingICU? Link to podcast episodes in the comments. #delirium #earlymobility #abcdefbundle #icu #ventilator #walkinghomefromtheicupodcast #icunurses #nurses #rrt #intensivist #healthcarecosts #healthequity #hospitacquiredinfections #hospitalacquiredpreassureinjury