Bill Alert! US House Bill HRES 1091 - Recognizing and thanking the Nation's women's colleges and universities and recognizing March 5 as "National Women's Colleges and Universities Day". Policy: Education Status: Bill Introduced Full Details: Bill 118 HRES 1091, also known as the "Recognizing and thanking the Nation's women's colleges and universities and recognizing March 5 as National Women's Colleges and Universities Day," is a resolution introduced in the US Congress. The purpose of this resolution is to acknowledge and show appreciation for the contributions of women's colleges and universities in the United States. The resolution recognizes the important role that women's colle...
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Service slacking! An important conversation as institutions of higher education aim to regain their footing alongside significant post-COVID discipline specific workforce shortages. “Among many other tasks, advising, mentoring, committee service, faculty and student recruiting, and showing up at events sit at the core of university life and student success. Yet they are not treated as such in institutional reward systems like tenure, promotion, merit raises and reassigned time.” #workforcedevelopment #economicdevelopment #equity #highereducation #workplacewellbeing "Research shows that service slacking has the greatest negative impact on women faculty members and faculty of color: They do more, get rewarded less and have other opportunities limited because of those commitments."
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Wondering if a women's college is right for you or your students? Our Executive Director, Martha Malinski, and representatives from several of our member institutions spoke with U.S. News & World Report about the unique value of a women's college education. Read more about what they had to say at the link below.
Here's what prospective college students and their families should know about women's colleges.
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Important considerations… Research shows that service slacking has the greatest negative impact on women faculty members and faculty of color: They do more, get rewarded less and have other opportunities limited because of those commitments.
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Wellesley College sees better financial management, academic progress visibility, and student satisfaction with a unified system. Discover how taking a holistic approach is paying off for this leading liberal arts college for women. Learn more: #HigherEd #TeamWDAY
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"The authors also looked at how faculty members’ h-index scores, a common measure of the reach of their research and their research productivity, factored into promotion and tenure decisions for underrepresented minority versus white and Asian faculty. They concluded that the underrepresented minority are “held to a higher standard … in terms of scholarly productivity.” They said this is especially the case for underrepresented minorities who are also women." #faculty #academy #tenure #promotion #research #bias
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Wellesley College sees better financial management, academic progress visibility, and student satisfaction with a unified system. Discover how taking a holistic approach is paying off for this leading liberal arts college for women. Learn more: #HigherEd #TeamWDAY
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Wellesley College sees better financial management, academic progress visibility, and student satisfaction with a unified system. Discover how taking a holistic approach is paying off for this leading liberal arts college for women. Learn more: #HigherEd #TeamWDAY
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Wellesley College sees better financial management, academic progress visibility, and student satisfaction with a unified system. Discover how taking a holistic approach is paying off for this leading liberal arts college for women. Learn more: #HigherEd #TeamWDAY
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Wellesley College sees better financial management, academic progress visibility, and student satisfaction with a unified system. Discover how taking a holistic approach is paying off for this leading liberal arts college for women. Learn more: #HigherEd #TeamWDAY
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Wellesley College sees better financial management, academic progress visibility, and student satisfaction with a unified system. Discover how taking a holistic approach is paying off for this leading liberal arts college for women. Learn more: #HigherEd #TeamWDAY
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