The latest edition of #Disasters, HPG's peer-reviewed journal, is out now! 🚨 This special issue tackles the critical topic of famine and food security, asking whether we are witnessing new trends and systems or if it's politics as usual. Supported by the Global Network Against Food Crises, this issue dives deep into global food emergencies and their far-reaching humanitarian implications. Read the full issue now → #DisastersJournal #Famine #FoodSecurity #HumanitarianAid
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Global Network Against Food Crises #GNAFC efforts to generate evidence and analysis, support impact at country and regional levels, and convene partners and initiatives across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace #HDPNexus should be leveraged as essential tools. Learn more about our conversations at the 52nd Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security #CFS52 🔗
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Did you know that USAID created the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) in 1985 in response to famines in #EastAfrica and #WestAfrica? Today, FEWS NET continues to play a critical role in the fight against global food insecurity. As a leading provider of evidence-based early warning and analysis, FEWS NET actively monitors and reports on over 30 countries worldwide – forecasting acute food insecurity outcomes 6-12 months in advance. Learn more about our work:
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The project I work on is finally branching out to LinkedIn. Learn more about the work we do!
Did you know that USAID created the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) in 1985 in response to famines in #EastAfrica and #WestAfrica? Today, FEWS NET continues to play a critical role in the fight against global food insecurity. As a leading provider of evidence-based early warning and analysis, FEWS NET actively monitors and reports on over 30 countries worldwide – forecasting acute food insecurity outcomes 6-12 months in advance. Learn more about our work:
Learn about the USAID-funded Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET)
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Today the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises was released ( Conflict remains the main driver of food insecurity (e.g. 48% of people that experienced food insecurity in 2023). Yet conflict is a euphemism. It is the purposeful and unwitting actions of armed actors—State and non-State—that are behind conflict-induced food insecurity. The solution to the global food crises must include a change in the policies and practices of armed actors. Respecting international humanitarian law is just a start.
What is the Global Report on Food Crises?
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🌾 The 175th edition of the FAO Council concluded today. 🌐 Acting as the executive arm of the Conference of Member States, the Council meets five times over a two-year period. Switzerland participates as an observer and will become a member starting in July 2025. The discussions have been positive and fruitful, allowing the members to effectively tackle a number of sensitive issues. Global food security challenges were a priority. Discussions focused on how crises and conflicts act as primary drivers of food insecurity, and how the FAO can act within its mandate to alleviate the suffering of affected populations through capacity building and the reinforcement of resilience. #multilateralism #FAOCouncil #FoodSecurity ©FAO/Alessia Pierdomenico
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Zero hunger, Zero poverty and Social justice world wide
Food is a human right. But in times of crisis, millions face hunger & food insecurity. FAO's Omar Benammour explains why strengthening #SocialProtection can secure access to food, empower vulnerable communities & build resilience. #LeaveNoOneBehind #HumanRightsDay #RightToFood
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Dear world community! Volgograd regional public organization for the promotion of upbringing and education of the younger generation "Knowledge - strength and dignity" (http:// www. ) continues to develop an exclusive international project: "EARTH - PEACE, JUSTICE, HUMAN RIGHTS". The purpose of the project is to draw the UN's attention to the need to implement the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (Adopted by Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948). "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" (Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by UN General Assembly Resolution No. 2200 A (XXI) dated 12/16/1966). The preamble to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (hereinafter: the Covenant) states that the States parties to the present Covenant recognize that, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ideal of a free human person enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can be realized only if such conditions are created conditions under which everyone can enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights, as well as their civil and political rights. It follows from the text of the Covenant that none of the articles or provisions of the Covenant establish a systemic relationship with the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (Adopted by resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948). Thus, the Covenant asserts the non-binding implementation of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (Adopted by resolution 217 A (III) The UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948). This fact proves that the Pact deprives the citizens of the world of protecting their rights in accordance with the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (Adopted by resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948). Thus, the Pact limits the ability of the international community to work together to protect human rights and end armed conflicts. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calls on the international community to act together (see file). UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres needs to specify regulatory and legislative acts that will ensure the full participation of the international community in the observance of civil and political rights in the world. Andrei Dadokin
Food is a human right. But in times of crisis, millions face hunger & food insecurity. FAO's Omar Benammour explains why strengthening #SocialProtection can secure access to food, empower vulnerable communities & build resilience. #LeaveNoOneBehind #HumanRightsDay #RightToFood
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Food systems are in a state of disarray. This is even more pronounced in conflict and fragile contexts, resulting in higher amounts of people going to bed hungry. Armed conflicts, displacements and political instability can disrupt food production, distribution, and lead to food crises and humanitarian emergencies. In 2023 alone, 281.6 million people faced high levels of acute food insecurity: it is the worst figure of the last eight years. This heightened food insecurity can fuel grievances, potentially escalating into instability and violence. "Global crisis, conflict, have exposed the vulnerability of food systems," stated Dr. Iain Wright at the 2024 High Level Policy Forum in New York. The 2024 campaign for World Humanitarian Day, #ActForHumanity, focuses on addressing the alarming rise in global conflicts. Let's stand in solidarity with those working on the frontlines and amplify our efforts to achieve #ZeroHunger. Every action counts! Explore 🔟 policy areas crucial to this journey in reshaping our #FoodSystems in our latest blog: #WorldHumanitarianDay #ActForHumanity
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Global hunger is on the rise, with 735M+ people unsure where their next meal is coming from. Without political action, more people will suffer. Congress must strengthen international food aid programs within the #FarmBill to reach more people with aid.
Preparing for the Farm Bill Re-Authorization at a Time of Critical Need - InterAction
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One of our focus areas is Food Security; we're on a mission to change the stories of inequality in #SouthAfrica, to see thriving communities. Learn more about our Food Security programmes and initiatives here: #FoodSecurity #KolisiFoundation #RememberTheOne
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