iRan BRICS+ Think-Tank (iBRICS🇮🇷) reposted this
🎼Although there is no #impact of #Israeli #Cinematic #Strikes BUT🎶 as we are nearing the #WINTER IN #GAZA and #Zionism is continuing it’s #Genocide and #imposed #hunger and #forced #movements to #crowd and #US and #EU are #irresponsibly supporting the #Zionism, #WE #WILL #STRIKE #HARD #ISRAEL TO #COMPLICATE #MATTERS AND #CONTAIN IT IN ITS #OWN #CAGE!!!😘✨♥️🎶📍
A shame .
Young women without Islamic veils have bombed the country’s military infrastructure of executioners of Iranian women veiled against their will.😂😂😂😂
♥️HomoAmor! A HiggsoDivine creature with a QuantuMystic mindset in the Gl♥️balogy School, making decisions by simultaneously considering the interests of self, family, nation, global community, and the environment.✨
1moYour fictional narration shows the real blindness but this one will wake you uP entirely!!!😉👇 Claude Zekri🌷