#Postdocoral positions available King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals - KFUPM #Saudi Arabia 🔗https://lnkd.in/egSUytAS
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A little update🔥 🥇Mme CV did 40 resumes in only 3 weeks and didn’t get any negative feedbacks If you’re interested, you can write me at businessnco4@gmail.com Happy watching and have great day y’all‼️🔥‼️ #mmecv
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Considering a job change? Discover the benefits of partnering with Synthesis Recruitment for your job search. **Confidentiality**: Rest assured, all discussions are strictly private and confidential. We navigate your transition discreetly, engaging with our extensive network of industry contacts on your behalf. **Connections**: With deep-rooted connections in maritime, commodity trading, oil/energy, and chemicals sectors, we can facilitate introductions to key decision-makers. **Full Job Market Visibility**: Uncover hidden opportunities. Many positions go unadvertised, but our proactive approach can unveil that coveted role you've been seeking. **Salary/Market Insights**: Gain access to vital salary and market information to make informed decisions about your career progression. **Free - we do not charge are canidates any fee for the help and support we give. If contemplating a career move this year, reach out to sam.forrest@synthesisrecruitment.co.uk. Your inquiries are treated with utmost confidentiality, and we'll provide transparent guidance on how we can assist. We currently have bunker trading, ship broking, chartering, sales and analyst roles available globally.
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*Indian Oil presents SUSTAIN-A-THON 2024* *Registration Link* *Rewards:* * Cash prize of ₹3 lakhs to the winner * Cash prize of ₹2 lakhs to the first runner-up * Cash prize of ₹1 lakh to the second runner-up * National Finalists to get ₹10k each * Participation Certificates *Eligibility:* Open to all (Students & Working Professionals) Register Now - https://lnkd.in/d7Hk3D2N #Follow Me for more job updates Cannot respond on LinkedIn chat and HR will reach out to the shortlisted profiles. Note: I am not the hiring person, Just sharing this information to help job seekers. If any company asks money for job don't pay, it might be fake
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*Indian Oil presents SUSTAIN-A-THON 2024* *Registration Link* *Rewards:* * Cash prize of ₹3 lakhs to the winner * Cash prize of ₹2 lakhs to the first runner-up * Cash prize of ₹1 lakh to the second runner-up * National Finalists to get ₹10k each * Participation Certificates *Eligibility:* Open to all (Students & Working Professionals) Register Now - https://lnkd.in/d7Hk3D2N #Follow Me for more job updates Cannot respond on LinkedIn chat and HR will reach out to the shortlisted profiles. Note: I am not the hiring person, Just sharing this information to help job seekers. If any company asks money for job don't pay, it might be fake
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A job description is a document that explains what a job is within an organization, and what responsibilities and duties are associated with it. Here are some essential aspects that should be included in the job description: 1. Job title: includes the official name of the job. 2. Job summary: A brief description that gives a general idea about the job. 3. Key Responsibilities: A list of essential tasks and responsibilities that must be performed. 4. Necessary requirements: The qualifications and skills necessary to perform the job successfully (such as education, experience, technical and personal skills). 5. Employment relations: entities with whom the job holder deals (colleagues, supervisors, clients, external parties). The steps in writing a job description include preparation, defining responsibilities, defining requirements, drafting the description, reviewing and modifying, and publishing and distributing. If you want to write an effective job description, it's best to be specific, comprehensive, and realistic in your description. Abdallah Alghamde
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Nous sommes sur le point de publier les résultats d’une étude sur le rôle du développement de carrière au sein des services publics d’emploi. Ce webinaire dévoile les résultats, basés sur les contributions de 48 pays à travers le monde. Ne manquez pas ce webinaire GRATUIT! Petit aperçu : il contient des découvertes fascinantes! https://lnkd.in/ed-rAfRJ
We are about to publish the results of a study on the role of career development within public employment services. This webinar reveals the results, based on input from 48 countries worldwide. You won't want to miss this FREE webinar. Spoiler Alert: It includes some fascinating findings! https://lnkd.in/g39-WV7b
The future of career guidance in the PES - Overview of the WAPES/ICCDPP survey on career guidance - WAPES
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*Indian Oil presents SUSTAIN-A-THON 2024* *Registration Link* *Rewards:* * Cash prize of ₹3 lakhs to the winner * Cash prize of ₹2 lakhs to the first runner-up * Cash prize of ₹1 lakh to the second runner-up * National Finalists to get ₹10k each * Participation Certificates *Eligibility:* Open to all (Students & Working Professionals) Register Now - https://lnkd.in/d7Hk3D2N #Follow Me for more job updates Cannot respond on LinkedIn chat and HR will reach out to the shortlisted profiles. Note: I am not the hiring person, Just sharing this information to help job seekers. If any company asks money for job don't pay, it might be fake
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Parce qu'il est important de prendre conscience des impacts environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance de l'ensemble de notre chaîne de valeur et se mettre en action sur certains axes afin de développer durablement notre société et son environnement !
#CSRD | CSRD en pratique : quels impacts pour votre entreprise de construction ou d’installation ? 🔍 CSRD in de praktijk: welke impact heeft dit op uw bouw- of installatiebedrijf? Bientôt transposée en droit belge, la directive sur le CSRD impactera directement les grandes entreprises et leur chaîne de valeur. Pour mieux comprendre ce que cela implique et comment en tirer parti, nous avons interviewé Marc Gillet de l'entreprise Enersol. 📺 https://lnkd.in/gjnyY9hK De CSRD-richtlijn, die binnenkort in Belgisch recht wordt omgezet, zal een directe impact hebben op grote bedrijven en hun waardeketen. Om beter te begrijpen wat dit betekent en hoe jij hiervan kunt profiteren, hebben we Marc Gillet van het bedrijf Enersol geïnterviewd. #ProgressTogether ENERSOL Marc Gillet Anne-Laure Lejeune Christine Lhoste
Duurzaamheidsrapportage (CSRD) - Interviews en getuigenissen | Enersol
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