There are European projects in the field of #ClimateChange - such as #ICHANGE - that not only provide guidance, but aim to inspire citizens to become active agents of change, harnesing the power of #CitizenScience initiatives.
🌍Ever felt like there’s nothing you can do about climate change? Think again! Citizen science is our secret weapon in the battle against the climate emergency. 🌱 📝Check out our latest #AlterArticle to discover how grassroots initiatives are reshaping our approach to sustainability, science, and policy making. 🙋🏻Explore real-life stories of communities coming together to monitor and mitigate climate-related hazards like flooding, heatwaves, and storms. 👩🏻🔬From urban environments to rural landscapes, witness the transformative impact of citizen-led research projects like I-CHANGE, which empowers people to drive behavioral change and create a more resilient future. Get inspired by tangible results of citizen science in action! Read more: #ClimateAction #CitizenScience #Sustainability 🌿