Imagine not being able to breastfeed nor afford buying formulas. What a desperate situation. Unimaginable in Europe. Not so! And why can’t mothers just breastfeed? Here is part of an answer: Thanks for getting back to me, it’s a complex problem, food banks are unable to provide formula milk because of the unicef guidelines, and many women can’t breast feed for so many reasons. It’s something that is so taboo in the uk with everyone pushing breast is best ideas but the reality is that many women struggle to breast feed, especially those who are in food poverty themselves. Some due to trauma, some have no support some have to go to work I mean the list is endless. If only breastfeeding where that simple, unfortunately for many women it’s not and the trauma of not being able to breastfeed resonates for a long time. Many health care professionals will suggest to a mother because the baby isn’t growing that they use both breast and formula milk and we all know that as soon as the anxiety kicks in that we aren’t providing enough for our babies the worse it gets. But the reason they can’t is really for another whole topic but it’s what don’t do if you can’t and you can’t afford it, this is the real issue facing so many. Maybe you want to support Naomi making a movie about this issue?
Thanks for letting me share Ida Tin. help support our film MILK and bring about long-term systemic change, that will see mothers being supported to feed their child in whatever way is best for them, with support and a change in policy no baby should go hungry. Tomorrow 6th of JUNE is infant feeding day created by the charity FEED who are supporting us to get the film seen by those in policy. They launched the campaign to raise awareness. Help us to do that by donating
Director Writer, Screen Acting Lecturer
7moThanks Ida you are very kind to share.