Introducing Ideagarden Initiatives: Climate Farm School Executive education that equips and empowers sustainability and health professionals to lead systems change. Learn more by heading to the link in our bio. Photos by Eileen Roche #regenerativeagriculture #education #foodsystemstransformation #handson #experientiallearning
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People who support a holistic approach think climate change is like a messy kitchen—you can’t just clean one counter and call it good. They argue you have to deal with everything: inequality, health, and clean energy access, all at once. They also believe teamwork is key. Imagine a potluck where governments, businesses, and communities all bring something to the table. The idea is to create policies that clean the air, cut emissions, and dish out jobs, all in one delicious recipe. But some worry this “clean everything at once” plan could slow down urgent fixes, like turning off the gas burner that’s heating the planet. Advocates say the best approach is balance: tackle the immediate mess while working on the big picture.
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Want still more information on why the recent #SCOTUS decisions on #science are bad for the #climate, our #health, and people in general? Because we have more: There's a lot more, but the bottom line is that the system that exists to keep us healthy, keep us safe, and limit catastrophic climate change is under attack.
Supreme Court Sidelines Science, Threatens Public Health: These Rules-in-Progress Show What’s at Stake
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🌍 Webinar on Climate Change and Food Access 🌱 I recently had the opportunity to attend an enlightening webinar on "Climate Change and Food Access", conducted by Wild Roots Foundation on 25th September 2024. The session offered valuable insights into the critical link between climate change and global food security, and how the most vulnerable communities are being impacted. 🌾 Key takeaways included: The effects of climate change on agriculture and food production. The growing disparity in food access among different regions. Sustainable solutions to ensure food security in the face of environmental challenges. This experience has broadened my perspective on the pressing need for climate resilience and sustainable agricultural practices. I look forward to applying these learnings in my future research and initiatives. #ClimateChange #FoodSecurity #Sustainability #EnvironmentalEconomics #Webinar #WildRootsFoundation #Learning
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As we navigate the Anthropocene era, it's critical to understand Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and their role in mitigating environmental challenges. Check out our latest blog post for in-depth insights: #NatureBasedSolutions #Environment #Sustainability
Understanding Nature-based Solutions (NbS):
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The theme for World Soil Day 2024 highlights the urgent need to focus on soil health as a cornerstone of sustainable ecosystems, global food security, and resilience against climate change. Recent research underscores that humanity's heavy dependence on soil for food production is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing the need for sustainable soil management practices.
Scientists find how soil, a sink for GHGs, also contributes to climate change
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📉 Many students understand climate change in theory, but not in practice. 🌱 Through hands-on activities, students connect knowledge with action, making sustainability part of their daily lives. 💡 It’s time to teach sustainability not just as a subject, but as a lived experience. 🔗 Follow us for more environmental insights. Learn about Viral Project at 🌐 #viralproject #environmenteducation #ClimateAction #climatecrisis #climatechangeisreal #futuregenerations #climatechange #waterconservation #EnvironmentalAwareness #environmentalprotection #viralproject #environmenteducation #GreenLiving
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From climate change to biodiversity, going through chemicals, pollution and waste, the environment is essential for human health. An interesting article on the #OneHealth approach.
The environment is fundamental to human health. Here’s why.
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You don’t have to believe climate change is man made, some facts are irrefutable ie not only biodiversity that is at risk with 467 species extinct in the last decade 🐝Without bees we won’t have pollinators and our food security just gets a whole lot less secure 🔥with weather extremes our houses are more at risk from wildfires and floods 💨with pollution our health deteriorates-asthma was responsible for around 2m ED visits in 2018 in the US alone. 💦polluted water causes sickness - $3.3bn in direct health care costs in the US last year - let alone the cost to industry & households of not working Regardless of what the cause is - The business and moral case is compelling, and we know HOW to reverse some of the impact so what are you waiting for ? 🌿nature will find a way to manage if left alone - AND if we want to remain a viable, thriving population, we need to actively help her regenerate - from healthy soils to breathable air, clean rivers and seas to lower temperatures. Ask us HOW, we work with economists, ecologists, environmental scientists, experts in all sectors and deliver powerful education to leadership - Becoming Net Positive I’m Carrie - most of my time is focused on innovation and sustainability, to create a better future, with a side of academic knowledge, fun and kindness. Video - 13 seconds of Mother Nature doing her thing
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On June 10, 2024, Grade 1 students celebrated World Environment Day by making newspaper bags. This activity raised awareness about climate change, encouraged tree planting, and promoted reducing plastic usage, emphasizing the collective responsibility of preserving the environment for a healthier future. #srmps #srmpublicschool #srm #environment #environmentday #saveearth #activity #savetree #newspaperart #nature #ecosystem #climatechange #gogreen #globalwarming #environmentfriendly #science #plants #treeplanting #holisticeducation #growthmindset #science #activitybasedlearning #funlearning #mindfulschools #steameducation #science #cbse #cbseschool #sustainability
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📣 The IPBES #NexusAssessment is out now! 📣 This landmark report explores the inter-linkages among #biodiversity, #water, #food, #health and #climate, offering critical insights to guide sustainable development and conservation efforts. 💡Key Takeaways from the Assessment: 🌿Biodiversity is essential for water, food, health and climate, yet it is declining in all regions of the world and at all spatial scales 🌿Current societal, economic and policy decisions prioritise limited and short-term benefits while ignoring their negative impacts on the nexus elements 🌿Continuation of current trends will result in substantial negative outcomes for biodiversity, water, food and health while exacerbating climate change 🌿Scenarios that prioritise single nexus elements without regard to other elements result in trade-offs across the nexus 🌿Different response options are available that could benefit multiple nexus elements when implemented at appropriate scales and accounting for context 🌿Integrative, inclusive, equitable, accountable, coordinated and adaptive approaches to governance can enable the successful implementation of response options This comprehensive assessment is a crucial resource for policymakers, scientists, and anyone passionate about fostering a more sustainable and resilient future for our planet. 📖Read the summary for policymakers:
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