👉 Did you know that the #Eigenfactor Score offers a deep insight into a journal’s prestige and impact? The Eigenfactor Score evaluates the influence of a journal’s entire body of articles published in the last five years, by weighing citations based on the impact of the citing source while excluding self-citations. Since citations are in this case weighted dependently on the source, the Eigenfactor Score belongs to the class of so-called prestige measures. Hence, the Eigenfactor Score represents the probability of reading a specific journal in the entire journal collection in the field and therefore high-scoring journals have a greater influence in the scientific community. This makes the Eigenfactor a more holistic metric for assessing the total influence of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication. Notably, the Journal Impact Factor is a so-called popularity measure, relying on the crude number of citations to articles published over the two previous years - each of them counting the same, independently of the quality of the source. 📊 This year, the Eigenfactor announced for the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation is 0.04543, ranking the journal 6th among the top 10 journals in Telecommunications by Eigenfactor Score. This achievement highlights the journal’s prominent role in advancing research and shaping academic discourse in the antennas and propagation field. IEEE IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society