Great! Its the time for action not for beautiful speeches and empty promises
Presently for an immediate action to advance global dialogue for the betterment of all humanity worldwide, we are cordially inviting all to join our unique platform by following up "PEACE in EDUCATION" - for global unification to ensure the safety of our future generation, without any COST or EXTRA EFFORT.
In fact, There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development". What we propose is a simple method to promote a culture of peace and non-violence, global unity and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture's contribution to sustainable development
This digital platform is specially designed to encourage all people to emerge as a leader or to create leadership for moral evolution through academia hubs that would help the present global leadership, civil societies, UN entities, organizations for peace and all leading religious instructors who thirst for a solution for global security in the current predicament of NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, Climate change, racial inequity, gender inequity, racism, terrorism and war, within the context of the moral crisis in political ethics.
What we propose is a simple method....
To promote a culture of peace and non-violence, global unity and appreciation of cultural diversity and of cultures contribution to sustainable development
To separate the basis of spiritualism and materialism in the short and "go-between" form of literature that defines the spectrum of religious definitions in a single notion, building trust between all cultures, norms and mores, without disgracing the faith of any humankind on Earth.
To serve a common subject to empower the United Nations as a body to aid in formulating a straightforward and direct relationship with the public at the grass roots level through academia hubs, to ensure the safety and morality of our future generation by making the UN-SDGs a house hold word.
To expand the definition of UN-SDG 4.7 as the basic potential that the world needs to achieve the UN-SDG 16. for the success of all UN-SDGS agenda 2030.
"Educating the mind, without educating the heart is no education at all“ Aristotle
Thank you
“The United Nations is uniquely equipped to enable States to discuss and resolve pressing global issues – and this convening power is particularly vital now, when the magnitude of conflict, planetary peril and digital transformation requires urgent solutions.”
-Volker Türk, United Nations Human Rights Chief
#HRC55 #StandUp4HumanRights