Impact HR Consulting’s Post

Fabulous Friday! We're sharing positive news that makes the world a better place. With so much focus on problems, we want to celebrate something positive every week. People are awesome, and together we can change the world in a positive way. After increasing almost every year for decades, the global annual overshoot date has stabilised, indicating that we may have finally reached a turning point in overconsumption. Overshoot days occur when demand for ecological resources and services in a year exceeds what the planet can regenerate that year. DW Interested in receiving great HR News? Join our Newsletter here: What positive news would you like to share? #FabulousFriday #PositiveNews #SustainabilityWins #EcoConsciousness #GlobalImpact #ChangeMakers #TeamworkForThePlanet #HRNews #ImpactHR #TogetherWeCan

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