For those who want to find our more about the magic of 'Self-Compassion' and 'Kindness', ways to dial down critical perspectives and dial up 'boosting perspective' this #ImperfectUsPodcast episode with Kathryn Lovewell is worth a listen. Please use the link in the post below. #mindfulness #selfcompassion #commonhumanity #dialupBOOSTERperspective #dialdowninnercriticvoices #timetothrive #wellbeing #perspectives #lovewhoyouare #yourpotential
EPISODE LAUNCH - #45 'Cultivating a Kind Mind for Self-Compassion' with Kathryn Lovewell. In today's episode, we are speaking with the inspiring Kathryn Lovewell, who exemplifies joy, kindness and compassion in her life and work. Kathryn is the founder of Kind Mind Academy a learning hub and community for Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC). She is a certified MSC teacher and best-selling author of ‘The Little Book of Self-Compassion’, ‘The Voices in my Head!’ and ‘Every Teacher Matters, Inspiring Well-being through Mindfulness’. It was a heartfelt and hilarious conversation that brough Leanne and I, so many belly laughs, and sore cheeks from laughing so much! It was a wonderful conversation to have about how we might dial up the very important wellbeing concept, #selfcompassion, challenge our #innercritic voice, and instead pay more attention to the more #compassionate voice that enables us to boost our positive mindset, rather than allowing ‘Crusher’ to crush our thoughts and ideas that ultimately hold us back. We hope you enjoy this conversation with Kathryn Lovewell, it are certain it will bring you all much joy and wisdom as you might explore a more compassionate and kind way to dial up your ‘inner BOOSTER voice’, and become more mindful in managing the ‘Crusher – inner critic voice’. This episode can be found on any of your favourite podcast platforms, or tap onto one of the link below. Apple: We look forward to hearing about what resonated with you most. You can connect with Kathryn here: Website: LinkedIn: Kathryn Lovewell - Self-Compassion Advocate| LinkedIn Kathryn's Books: Connect with Leanne: Leanne Camilleri (MAPP) l LinkedIn Connect with Leesa: Leesa Downes . MAPP|LinkedIn This podcast was produced by Brenton Ainsworth: Brenton Ainsworth |LinkedIn #kindness #compassionatevoice #self_compassion #Mindfulness #moodbooster #Boostingyourconfidence #boostyourpositiveemotions #overcomingchallenge #survingtothriving #flourishing #kindness #coaching #innercoach #innercritic #storiesthatliftusup #wellbeing #mindfulness #dontletthenegativevoicedominateyourthoughts #encourageboosterincreasepositivity #Parents #students #teachers #beyourownbestfriend #commonhumanity