Life isn’t just about survival, (although it sometimes feels like that) it’s about the ability to thrive.
We all experience physical reactions, emotions and thoughts in the face of our everyday life, some of which serve us well and some of which not so much. We don’t always stop to think about where those reactions have come from and what they mean. We also don’t often realise that if we develop our physical intelligence and learn how to recognise and understand those reactions, we can actually transform them.
People who approach me for coaching are often wanting to build their confidence at home or work, manage feelings of overwhelm, find clarity of thought to make better decisions or want to make a change but are feeling stuck. Something many people have in common is the tendency to spend a great deal of psychological, emotional and physical energy worrying about things that are outside of their control.
Understanding how our physiology is impacting on our physical and emotional reactions and then taking proactive steps to manage that using simple but effective pragmatic strategies grounded in neuroscience can be transformative. It's a powerful way to unpack the story of what is really going on for you and inside you.
So, having completed a comprehensive online course with Kevin Chapman and Claire Dale last year to add to my coaching portfolio offer, I'm looking forward to meeting them in person at the Leadership Jersey event.
Jo Ferbrache Leadership Jersey Kevin Keen OBE Tracey Turmel PCC
With less than 4 weeks left to go before our event in July with Kevin Chapman and Claire Dale. Be sure to get your tickets!
Evelyn Partners Channel Islands
⬇️ Book your place today! Tickets available below ⬇️ ⭐️