"A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.” Last year, I did a live event and the promotion text on the sign up page really caught my eye... “Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.” Because those gender biases cut both ways, one key way to break the bias is to change how we see gender roles for everyone. The traditional, binary narrative of women = carers, and men = breadwinners is instinctively out of date in 2024 and simply doesn’t reflect the reality of many relationships, regardless of makeup. Did you know that in the UK, 75% of women with dependent children are in work (ONS Dec 2019)? For business leaders, for whom dual income relationships were an anomaly as their careers developed, it can be a lot to take in, but if society and the workplace is going to make tangible progress towards gender equality, both at home and at work, and closing pay gaps, then the cultural stereotypes that damage everyone have to be broken. It can feel counter intuitive, but in my free webinar, I’ll explain why supporting new dads at the crucial parental transition has the power to transform how those men see their roles at home and at work and undermine the assumptions we hold about gender. It’s also vital for their mental fitness! Did you know that in the first year after birth, new dads are twice as likely to be depressed as the general population? Just think how powerful it would be for gender equality if your business could not tell which prospective parent was likely to take extended leave or seek to work flexibly, remotely or part time. A new generation of dads is ready – we see it in the post Covid response to flexible working – I’ll show you evidence that it was there pre Covid too. We all help break the bias when we work to eliminate stereotypes and discrimination that hamper new dads’ opportunity to “have it all” and to be the active and involved father they don’t remember growing up. Join my next free live webinar and learn how and why "Supporting New Dads At Work Is THE Route To Gender Equality" Save your place for this one-of-a-kind webinar by registering here: 👇👇 https://lnkd.in/eSFAFTKr and get reminders, teaser content and the limited time, post event recording. The next session is on Tuesday 30th January at 12:00 Midday UK time.