Institut de recherche et d’études supérieures du tourisme ’s Post

Consultation Projet ARCHE ARCHE - Alliance for Research and Innovation in Cultural Heritage in Europe [EIREST / Equipe interdisciplinaire de recherches sur le tourisme - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne] * In September 2022, the Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe project (ARCHE) #ARCHE_eu was launched to promote a holistic approach to cultural heritage research and innovation. ARCHE will be a spearheading coordination network of researchers, innovators, heritage professionals, institutional bodies, and citizens. The objective of ARCHE is to engage all cultural heritage actors in Member States / Associated Countries in the co-design of research and innovation strategies and roadmaps that lead to research and innovation initiatives requiring multidisciplinary approaches and skills.   ARCHE with EIREST's research team, university Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, as a partner, launches a consultation process on the Vision and Mission to guide the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for cultural heritage. Join us in crafting the #ARCHE_eu Vision & Mission statement🚀 Your valuable feedback ensures that the work of the #HeritageResearchAlliance is as representative as possible!   Complete the survey (by February 4, 2024) : 👉 Find out more about our Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda : 👉

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