The radial engine is a reciprocating type internal combustion engine configuration in which the cylinders "radiate" outward from a central crankcase like the spokes of a wheel. It resembles a stylized star when viewed from the front, and is called a "star engine" in some other languages. Subscribe to the newsletter for engineers only. #EngineerPros newsletter uncovers the latest in engineering news, career updates, and insider knowledge. Subscribe now 👉 #engineering #engineeringjobs #career
Purtroppo non sono ingegnere ma se turbine tipo aereo simili a pale eoliche vengono caricate a gas oppure a idrogeno dalla rotazione veloce si può sviluppare una energia meccanica trasformabile in energia elettrica qualcosa che converte l'energia meccanica in elettrica. Questa e' un idea ma non so se si può realizzare .In pratica un motore che carica una turbina tipo aereo e dalla rotazione veloce bisogna trasformare l'energia meccanica in energia elettrica.Provate ma io purtroppo non ho studiato ingegneria.
Why use such a design over any of the more traditional designs, though? What benefit, if any, does this provide over those? Unless it's just a fun conceptual design with no practical purpose?
Makes me think of the Wankel motor.
Para quem gosta. Curiosidades. Motores de aviões da primeira e segunda guerra. Radiais, V, radiais em V, radiais parados, radiais rotativos...tem de tudo.
Is it better balanced than inline six?
kinda looks like how electric motor works
How eccentric..😊
rotary/wankel engine for race
Cam from the centre
Powertrain Design Specialist & Siemens Software Partner
9moThe twin Salomon pendulum damper units are probably the most notable thing about this cutaway... without them this doesn't work (for very long).