Investive Financial’s Post

🤔 Are borrowers becoming complacent about high interest rates? 🤔⁣ ⁣ Lending data from the ABS shows refinancing was down 12% in late 2023 compared to the year before. 📉⁣ ⁣ So are we learning to live with high rates or are there still savings to be made by switching? ⚖⁣ ⁣ Well, perhaps it's not time for complacency just yet. 😅⁣ ⁣ We're still seeing big variations in home loan rates. 🙌⁣ ⁣ Switching to a lower rate loan could put money back in your hands.⁣ ⁣ So don’t be left wondering – try and find out if you could do better. 👍 ⁣ ⁣ Talk to us today about a home loan review, we’ll let you know how your mortgage shapes up against the market. 👇⁣ ⁣ To find out more, DM us or contact Investive Financial on: ☎ – 0430 443 553 💻 – #investivefinancial #homeloans #mortgage #finance #refinancing #mortgagebroker #home #investmentproperty #firsthomebuyer #fhlds #refinance #sydney #sydneyproperty #sydneyrealestate #sydneybroker #sydneyfinance #sydneymortgagebroker #belfield #belfieldproperty #belfieldmortgagebroker #belfieldrealestate #westernsydney #westernsydneyproperty #westernsydneyrealestate #nsw #nswproperty #nswmortgagebroker #nswrealestate #nswfinance #nswbroker

  • 🤔 Are borrowers becoming complacent about high interest rates? 🤔⁣
Lending data from the ABS shows

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