IRSN’s Post

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[Event] 🚀 ICRER 2024, starting soon! 🎉 #IRSN and Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet (DSA) are delighted to welcome you to #Marseille on Sunday for the 6th International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity #ICRER2024. 📰 Find the full program here 👉   2024 themes: big data, climate change, radioecology, impact of radionuclides on the environment, understanding and modeling transfer processes, metrology development, environmental monitoring, management of materials containing radionuclides of natural origin, waste, etc.   🙌 Many thanks to all our #partners for their support: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) | United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) | International Union of Radioecology (IUR) | #EuropeanRadioecologyAlliance | Eurados European Radiation Dosimetry Group | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity #ScienceDirect Elsevier | SFRP | International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) | ALGADE | TrisKem International | #ECCOREV | HTDS IAC | Bertin Technologies | Elemental Scientific | Agilent Technologies | Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur ************************** [Évènement] 🚀 ICRER 2024, démarrage imminent ! 🎉 L’IRSN et #DSA sont très heureux de vous retrouver à Marseille dès dimanche pour cette 6e édition de la Conférence internationale sur la radioécologie et la radioactivité dans l’environnement #ICRER2024 Retrouvez le programme complet ici 👉 🙌 Un grand merci à l’ensemble des partenaires pour leur soutien !   #ICRER #radioactivity #conference #internationalconference #radioecology #radiationprotection #environment #research #radon #radioactivewaste #climatechange #BigData #Data #AI #openscience #citizenscience

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🎉 Here we are, #ICRER2024 is officially launched ! 🥳 Nous y sommes, #ICRER2024 est officiellement lancé ! More info & program ➡️

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🎉 👏 Congratulations to the 3️⃣ winners of the 4th #Poster Award of the #European #RadioecologyAlliance : 🏅 Angus Collison (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ireland) 🏅Raul E. Linares Jimenez (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Germany) 🏅Margot Crevet (#IRSN, France).

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Gonéri Le Cozannet du BRGM - The French geological survey a présenté en ouverture les principales conclusions du 6e rapport du Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat #GIEC #ClimateChange #IPCC. 🙌

#ICRER2024 #Radioecology #EnvironmentalRadioactivity #Marseille #Congrès

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#ICRER2024 #Radioecology #EnvironmentalRadioactivity #Marseille #Congrès

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#ICRER2024 #Radioecology #EnvironmentalRadioactivity #Marseille #Congrès

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#ICRER2024 #Radioecology #EnvironmentalRadioactivity #Marseille #Congrès

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