BIG NEWS! Thrilled to share release of "Glossary of Terms Used in Biochar Research (IUPAC Technical Report)," with contributions by our very own Kathleen Draper, a USBI Board Member!
Biochar has a variety of properties and functionalities depending on its feedstock, pyrolysis temperature, and residence time. Over the past decades, intensive research has focused on biochar's applications in soil enhancement, wastewater treatment, and contaminant remediation. However, the lack of a formal definition and standardized terminology has posed challenges in aligning scientific results and scaling up research at the industrial level.
This comprehensive glossary addresses these issues by providing 178 scientifically sound definitions of commonly used terms in biochar research. By standardizing terminology, this document aims to facilitate the development of a harmonized legal framework for biochar production and applications, both regionally and nationally.
Key Highlights:
** Comprehensive Definitions: 178 interconnected terms that cover the multidisciplinary fields of biochar research, including chemistry, material science and engineering, and soil science.
** Enhanced Collaboration: Standardized terminology promotes better alignment of scientific results and smoother scaling-up of research.
** Future-Proof: Designed as a dynamic document, it will evolve with the field, incorporating new terms and refining existing ones.
** Continuity: This will reduce confusion for new participants in the biochar industry that can often feel overwhelmed by terms and what they mean. This will assist in building the confidence to bring large scale investments and participation in the industry.
This glossary is a significant step forward for the biochar industry! This will help the community in promoting clearer communication, improved research outcomes, and more effective applications. Download, bookmark, and share the glossary to expand the synergies between terms and the potential of biochar.
Let's celebrate this milestone and do the work to advance the field of biochar research together! Please share this will all your biochar networks.
#Biochar #BiocharResearch #BiocharStandardization
Thank you, Kathleen Draper, and all contributors for this valuable resource!
Full list of contributors include: Fotis Bilias , Divine Damertey Sewu , Seung Han Woo , Ioannis Anastopoulos , Frank Verheijen , Johannes Lehmann , Wenceslau Geraldes Teixeira , Dionisios Gasparatos , Kathleen Draper and Dimitrios Kalderis