Desde ITB Events, queremos expresar nuestra más profunda solidaridad y apoyo a todas las personas afectadas por la reciente DANA, especialmente en Valencia. Enviamos nuestras condolencias a los familiares de las víctimas y extendemos un cálido abrazo a todos aquellos que han sufrido por este evento. Estáis en nuestros pensamientos durante estos momentos tan difíciles. ― ― ― ― From ITB Events, we want to express our deepest solidarity and support for all individuals affected by DANA, especially in Valencia. We send our condolences to the families of the victims and extend a warm embrace to all those who have suffered due to this event. You are in our thoughts during these difficult times.
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Azkoyen Group stands in solidarity with those affected by the recent Cold Drop in Valencia. We’re contributing 25,000 euros through World Central Kitchen to support food relief for impacted communities. At Azkoyen Group, we believe that true business success includes a strong commitment to social responsibility, especially in critical times like these. #SocialResponsibility #Solidarity #DANA #Valencia
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Desde Onnera Group queremos expresar nuestras más sinceras condolencias y apoyo a todas las personas afectadas por la reciente DANA en la Comunidad Valenciana y zonas cercanas. Queremos enviar nuestro ánimo y esperanza a todas las víctimas y a los familiares de los afectados. Asimismo, queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a todos los cuerpos especiales, equipos de emergencia y personas voluntarias que, con su valentía y dedicación, están trabajando sin descanso para ayudar a superar esta tragedia. Con respeto y solidaridad, Amunt Valencia! From Onnera Group we would like to express our sincere condolences and support to all the people affected by the recent DANA in the Valencian Community and nearby areas. We want to send our encouragement and hope to all the victims and the families of those affected. We would also like to express our gratitude to all the special forces, emergency teams and volunteers who, with their courage and dedication, are working tirelessly to help overcome this tragedy. With respect and solidarity, Amunt Valencia!
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We just added another 55 stories to Not the Only One! Here is one that was added today... Bentancur & Son: Racism against East and South East asian players is on the rise - BBC Sport Anti-racism charity Kick It Out (KIO) says there has been a rise in both incidents of racism towards East and South East Asian players - and reports of those incidents, highlighted in these statistics: There were 395 reports of player-targeted racist abuse in stadiums and online to KIO in the 2023-24 season - up from 277 in 2022-23. 55% of those reports of racism aimed at specific players last season was towards those from an East Asian background. Of the 937 player-specific abuse reports to KIO in the past five full seasons, 327 of them (35%) have been directed at just seven East and South East Asian players. Found via as one of 10,200+ #DEI #Diversity, #Equity and #Inclusion items.
Bentancur & Son: Racism against East and South East asian players is on the rise
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Ruben Gisbert on Instagram: "EL VERDADERO NETANYAHU, un psicopata que solo cree en el genocidio y terror como forma política de conseguir sus objetivos."
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Watch this brilliant short video of Halimot Ogunnaike creating a new product with TRIBE | Natural Energy⚡️
Can't wait to see this product on the shelves. Halimot Ogunnaike really is an inspiration 😎 25% of all profits will be donated to Ella's survivor safehouses in London, who have supported Halimot on her journey. TRIBE | Natural Energy⚡️TRIBE Freedom Foundation Robert Martineau Sarah King India Blake Miranda Poulter Emily Chalke Ella's Clara Duncan Jasmin E. William Drinkwater Amy Church
TRIBE Kitchen Diaries with Halimot
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En primer lugar, mi más sentido pésame a las familias de las víctimas de esta devastadora desgracia.💕💐 Y todo mi apoyo y ánimo al resto de afectados❤️ #GobiernodeEspaña #GoverndelaGeneralitat, os ruego que movilicéis con carácter inmediato todos los recursos del estado y la autonomía para ayudar a los afectados y víctimas de la DANA‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️Cada segundo cuenta… Algunas reflexiones: - Hay mucha gente buena. Incluso desde la distancia, ya que actualmente me encuentro fuera de España, es tremendamente conmovedor ver a miles de personas anónimas de Valencia y de toda España que están dando un paso al frente para auxiliar a los afectados, utilizando sus propios medios.🙏🙏🙏 - El sistema ha fallado. Esta tragedia ha dejado dolorosamente claro que, a pesar del gran tamaño del Estado español y sus cuantiosos ingresos fiscales, el país carece de sistemas de aviso de catástrofes y protocolos de respuesta eficaces. Con la DANA y otros fenómenos extremos cada vez más frecuentes, queda claro que es urgente implementar medidas contundentes. - España es una gran nación con mucha gente buena y resiliente, pero su clase política no está a la altura. Independientemente de la afiliación política, resulta incomprensible que no se haya tomado ninguna acción significativa a nivel nacional o regional desde un primer momento, a pesar de disponer, entre otros recursos, de más de 120,000 tropas del ejército, policía nacional o guardia civil. Sabiendo que hoy sábado todavía se han encontrado personas con vida en vehículos o zonas donde permanecían aislados por el fango, no puedo evitar preguntarme cuántas vidas podrían haberse salvado si los recursos completos del Estado y de las autoridades autonómicas se hubieran movilizado desde el primer día. Siento una profunda vergüenza, rabia e indignación hacia la clase política española, sin distinción de signos políticos.
NO COMMENT: Una ola de solidaridad tras la DANA de Valencia, así se organizan los voluntarios
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Sumamos un nuevo episodio de #tubasytubos, donde respondo a vuestras preguntas.
364. Cómo tocar un bombardino + upgrade #tubasytubos
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Listen to today's podcast... Ever wondered who St. Nicholas was? There once was a young boy named Nicholas, who was born during the third century. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic. Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to the those in need. Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency! Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating St. Nicholas Day: We could all stand to be a little more like St. Nicholas. Here is a boy, whose world dramatically changed when his parents died. He could have let this beat him down. He could have drowned in self-pity. Instead, he relied on his faith and did whatever he could to help those who were even less fortunate then himself. Let’s get good at turning life around and focusing on what we have, and less on what we have lost or don’t have. Today, we have the image of Santa Clause and we give gifts to the people we know and love. But what about our giving to those less fortunate then ourselves? We are donating less each year. The average annual amount per donor is less than $500 with the median amount under $150. With the economy the way that it is, the demand within most charities has increased while their donations have decreased. Make a difference in the lives of someone less fortunate than you. It doesn’t take a lot to have a huge impact. In 1998, my youngest son was due to arrive on Christmas Day. We decided that boy or girl, their name would honour St. Nicholas as he was our blessed gift. Nickolas arrived safely on December 22. If you like today’s resiliency tips, let me know. Don’t forget that you can find more tips for building resiliency, by checking out my Live Smart blog at #mentalhealth #hr
TIP 2268 - Be More Jolly Like St. Nicholas
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Here is the recording of today's meeting on "Solidarity Neighborhood. Promoting a sense of community in housing contexts" sponsored by #Buonabitare Bologna. Thank you to #RaffaelloMartini, #DavidChavis and #BrunaZani for their interventions, to #OresteDePietro, #AntonellaLazzari and #CarloBruni for recounting experiences in the panel session, to #Volabo (#MauroBosi, #CinziaMigani, #PaolaAtzei, #DavideAfretti, #MichelaDeFalco, #ViolettaCantori and all the staff) for hosting and helping with the organization, and to all participants. It definitely emerged and confirmed that working on the #senseofcommunity today is more and more important in an increasingly fragmented, polarized, and loneliness-producing society. Not only is it important, but "it can be done": there are tools , processes that can be used. ... Keeping in mind that the starting point, as Chavis said, quoting "MartinLutherKing, is "Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives."
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