Masglo is in the United States!
After one year, understanding the new market, in today’s dynamic business landscape, brand expansion isn’t just a growth strategy—it’s a necessity!
When customers are actively seeking out your brand, it’s a clear signal that there’s an opportunity to get into new markets and meet its rising demand.
Expanding Masglo into the regions where the products are in high demand because its brand awareness (which includes high quality portafolio, users loyalty, diversity, among some...) helps you boost the visibility and strengthen the brand through deeper connections with new customers.
Thanks Recamier S.A. for being an ally in this expansion, let’s embrace the challenge and seize the opportunity to grow where our brand is needed the most! 💪
Masglo has arrived to the United States! ✨
En Cerescos celebramos un año de éxitos y crecimiento en Estados Unidos. Este aniversario refleja nuestra determinación por expandir nuestra presencia y seguir ofreciendo productos de belleza de alta calidad que capturan la esencia de la elegancia y superan las expectativas de nuestros clientes.
Gracias a todos nuestros clientes, colaboradores y seguidores por su continuo apoyo y confianza en Masglo. ¡Sigamos avanzando juntos hacia un futuro lleno de éxitos y oportunidades!
¿Estás interesado en nuestra marca? Contáctanos 🌐👇
Yesterday I had the pleasure to assist to the evolution event of I+A in Madrid in representation of council of ESOMAR together with our amazing Spanish Esomar’s representative Estefania Clavero.
This was a great event that gave us a global and a Spanish vision. You can’t miss it next time!! 😉
Estefania Clavero toma el relevo como representante de ESOMAR en España ante el público de nuestro #EncuentroInvestigación. Martha Llobet, miembro de ESOMAR Council, nos pone al día sobre las novedades de Esomar.
I+A en la voz del sector del #marketresearch dentro de España y fuera y por ello la relación I+A - Esomar es fundamental.
Un gran momento de #networking y aprendizaje tuvimos ayer en nuestro segundo Sunset Talks,, donde analizamos el alcance de la nueva Ley de Privacidad de Datos junto a Romina Garrido nuestras socias compartieron un grato momento de camaradería en el Sport Francés.
Agradecemos a Claudia Marfin @Francisca Yañez y @Eleke Schwarz por su liderazgo en la coordinación de esta interesante y entretenida actividad 👏
That's amazing Fabiola Pérez Ramos!!! MIOTI is a source of precious knowledge with capable and experienced professionals! I am happy I am continuing my data science and AI learning growing path! Excited about innovations coming from such an amazing source of knowledge!!
Our advisory “professional services” approach is core to our culture, which allows us to go beyond the 10% “low hanging fruit” in each jurisdiction. Lease aggregation world-wide remains nascent because, to date, it has been done in a simplistic way: making a telephone call and sending successive term sheets like throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks. Car salesmen rather than advisors.
The issue in international lease aggregation is trust rather than price. Sales tactics don’t work. We are nothing if not local advisors, meeting with property owners on their turf and advising them about the risks and benefits of keeping their site vs. partnering with us. We have hundreds of advisors covering local territory and are now by far the largest aggregator in the world by headcount. This means that we create uncommon value every day in a diversified way (which cannot be done through large switch or portfolio purchases). The key in this business is not how much you invest — but how much you get in return for your investment. We build large volume, but more than that, we create uncommon value. For our investors but also for property owners, tenants (towercos and MNOs) and for our people.
Nice job Gillian and Enrique. Kudos to our large, motivated, intelligent, experienced and above all ADVISORY Chilean team. Because of you the sky is the limit in Chile!
Investment & Development Manager | Administración y Negocios | Comercial y Ventas
Feliz de compartirles este cierre con Veronica Malhue. Pasamos de una relación del odio al amor, solo con constancia y entendimiento. Logramos ganarle a la competencia, solo con el cariño y la confianza que ahora nos tenemos.
Espero de todo corazón que disfrutes esta excelente oportunidad Verito——— Enrique Sanhueza
One more evidence of Horse’s commitment to #innovation#sustainability and the #environment
By betting on efficient clean mobility solutions, we are also betting on the health and well-being of our society HORSE
Ser reconocido en los #PremiosDeLaIndustriaEnEspaña ha supuesto para muchas empresas un importante respaldo, como es el caso de HORSE.
Raquel Hernansanz, Digital Office Manager de la compañía, ganadora en la pasada edición en la categoría de Mejor Innovación Industrial por su proyecto de digitalización, ha analizado este impacto en los micrófonos de la Cadena SER.
La semana pasada tuvimos la oportunidad de colaborar en un taller junto a Alliance Healthcare España, donde exploramos a fondo cada uno de los momentos por los que pasa una farmacia durante su ciclo como cliente de Alphega. Fruto de la dedicación y el esfuerzo de todos los presentes, logramos obtener una visión clara de la realidad actual desde el punto de vista interno, y surgieron ideas y conceptos interesantes que merecerá la pena explorar con los clientes en la siguiente fase.
En Bond Brand Loyalty, creemos firmemente que cuidar del cliente no es un objetivo, sino un compromiso diario, una promesa de crear experiencias genuinas que realmente impacten en quienes confían en nosotros, y nos emociona trabajar con empresas que comparten nuestra forma de pensar.
Gracias a Alphega y a todos los participantes por su compromiso y entusiasmo para seguir mejorando y evolucionando. ¡Estamos deseando continuar este camino juntos!
We thank INFOENERGÉTICA for echoing our analysis and thoughts on the upcoming regulation for Spanish offshore wind auctions as the European offshore wind sector is currently navigating through a period of regulatory and market challenges.
Denmark's suspension of its 'open-door' scheme for offshore wind projects highlights the complexities of aligning national renewable energy ambitions with broader EU regulations. Similarly, Eneco's withdrawal from the IJmuiden Ver auction underscores the financial and market uncertainties facing developers, including high-interest rates, escalating material costs, and volatile electricity markets.
These challenges emphasize the critical need for Spain to carefully design its upcoming offshore wind auctions. By learning from the European experience, Spain has the opportunity to implement a robust and legally compliant framework that balances financial viability with the ambitious goals of expanding renewable energy capacity.