At 76, my core VABEs have distilled into (what are yours?) 1. "It's all about VABEs." 2. "Hope is not a strategy." 3. "The vast majority of people trust their VABEs OVER reliable, repeatable evidence." (Kahneman, Tversky, etc.) Hence, see #1. 4. "A robust, clear and inspiring charter is any intentional person's best way to organize their life, energy, time and talent." See #2. 5. "For our survivability, 'maximizing sustainable profits' is a superior VABE to 'maximize profits.'" 6. "Sustainable means protecting not abusing the Commons, the things we all share viz air, water, soil, flora, fauna and the handicapped." 7. "Individuals and organizations are / should be citizens in their societies and protect not abuse the Commons." 8. "Work for what you want." 9. "Own your results." 10. "As Jack Welch said, 'Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it were.'" What are the conclusions you've reached thus far in life? What has your life taught you? Are you willing to share that with us so we can reflect and learn?