NEW DATE! We have arranged an additional date due to the high demand for this training. Nearly all technicians struggle to diagnose AdBlue faults right or at the first attempt. All except those technicians who've attended our awesome AdBlue and NOx reduction system diagnostic course. Our next course runs on the 25th & 26th April, but spaces are strictly limited. We promise that after this training, you'll look forward to working on AdBlue faults. You will learn flawless test techniques. You will expand your knowledge of AdBlue and NOx system functions. You will be hands-on with live vehicles (including live road tests). As one tech put it, "Since the training, we've not failed to diagnose or fix an AdBlue problem". C'mon. If you're only coming on one more training course this year - MAKE IT THIS ONE. You will reduce your stress levels and earn a fortune fixing AdBlue faults.