How I work is as important if not more than what I do. I coach people & teams on managing their pressure and stress. Typically they like their jobs & colleagues. And yet they feel like they can't take it anymore and need to leave. Invariably, they feel they've lost control over how they're working and it's hurting them. I love the job I do now but if I'm not careful, how I do it can make me sad. 👉I'm better with people in person than on Zoom. 👉I'm better when I feel part of something and make time to speak to colleagues in my space. 👉I'm better with a mixture of work and places to do it in, often outside. 👉I'm better if I don't internalise my own stresses and fears. 👉I'm better if I ask for help and remember I don't have to do it alone or have all the answers. What are some of your 'hows' that help? Shout out to some of my fellow collaborators that I hope to play more with this year: Hazel Maria Spain 🌱 ICF ACC Rachael Fraser Karen Cuthbert ACC Sam Sutton Dr Joshua Kovoor Sally Sidani-Wilkinson Layla Gordon #bettertogether #betteroutthanin ........... I'm a Coach and Speaker that helps high performers and their teams stay that way,sustainably. dm me to find out how.
Aww thanks James love to see more of you. You have a great calming influence in me and you make me feel I truely am okay! 💜 Great words of wisdom which I echo, I work as you know with insurance professionals who want to advance or get on in the workplace but it always comes bk to an element of how they feel or ‘the relationship they have with work’ Like you I thrive and get energy from being with people which is why I do what I do 🌱 Catch up soon ☕️
Love this James. Recognising HOW you work best and what fuels you up is super important. Building on your list above (which are true for me too) I would add.. 👉 I'm better in short energetic bursts, interspersed with movement 👉 I'm better when wearing shorts (usually more appropriate to virtual rather than IRL meetings)
Yes… how do we want to BE in our work. So very different for each individual and therefore, so important to go on a self awareness journey to find out and also consider how that can work with the way those around us like to be.
Great post James. Totally agree, HOW you do your job determines your happiness and your performance. Looking forward to continuing our collaboration growing awareness and education of menopause in the workplace for all genders and ages.
I’ve found that when your ‘how’ aligns with your ‘why’, it’s a great foundation for sustained performance over the long-run. James, you have such a clear cohesion in your ethos and the way you behave. Love this!
This is all very true. I have been taking stock of how I work this week and have taken some mornings 'off' to catch up on admin, which is so important to the running of my business, my client satisfaction and my headspace :-)
Love this James Pickles. It's so important we do business on our own terms, after all as creators of experience we would do well to create it as we want. Interesting at times when I've strayed from the path, not only have I suffered so has the business! With you 100% on being outside and in person! Exactly as we were last week.
Certified, award winning performance and wellbeing consultant, helping high performers to stay that way, sustainably with talks, workshops, 1-2-1 & team coaching. Also, Dad of 2, Padel enthusiast & allotmenteer.
10moThis is the book that helped crystallise some of my thinking on this...