There are currently "states" in the US, places I previously lived and visited at different times of my life, that are making the case that US history and the bible are linked and must therefore both be included in the classroom in various forms/formats. So I am being called to share additional information related to US History and biblical links. As decisions are being made, questioned and/or appealed, I hope that an holistic analysis takes place that includes how atrocious the domination story of colonization in "US history" actually is in fact by way of Doctrine. For anyone interested in learning about these details, namely "The Doctrine of Discovery", a "legal document" used to drive dominance and an extractive economy on Turtle Island, this is a great place to start. Steven Newcomb is an excellent resource:
Jas (like the music) S.’s Post
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The criitical historic method of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction is the most compelling platform supporting MAGA propaganda, Post Modern Historic Deconstruction represents the rejection of Hegel by anti-war campus radicals after the occuption of Columbia University in 1968 as a method to elevate the civic derilection of draft dodgers, both liberal and conservative, to the epitome of moral courage, intellectual honesty and civic virtue within the ethical context of Ayn Rand's Virtue of Selfishness. The rationalization for the rejection of Hegel is actually the rejection of Clausewitz, which represents the paradox of brute force as a rational instrument of State especially as it was being employed in Vietnam to turn back the criminal invasion of the Republic of Vietnam by the godless commie cocksuckers of Hanoi, The existentially unachored nature of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction allowed the anti-war movement to blame the conflict on Aermican imperialism as the actual source of their displeasure, the military draft of the Johnsom Administration required to confront the actural Communist imperialism that proved successful, in the end, Since then, Post Modern Historic Deconstruction has become the ethical basis of the Liberal campus Politically Correct cancel culture, which has been successfully hijacked by Newt Gingrich and Project 2025 to advance their agenda of constitutional sabotage and the political coup attempt of Janaury 6. Complete text at The extent of the moral confusion that is generated by Post Modern Historic Deconstructiion is that Barack and Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Valerie Jarrett are captive of the business model of the University of Chicago simply from residence in Chicago. The University of Chicago has the same authoritarian academic culture as the University of Berlin in 1938 and the Public Choice school is, like the Federalist Society, a mechanism of the Fascist economic objectives of Porject 2025, which is to say, the constant sabotage of the neo-Liberalism of the New Deal/Eisehnower's 1956 Presidential Platform, Nixon/Mohnihan Affirmative Action and Reagan's New Federalism leading to the Green New Deal of the Starchip Capitalism necessary to sustain a lunar colony as imagined in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Supply Siee Economis is a Marxist construct identical to Soviet Marxism. Post modern Historic Deconstruciton is a is a method of revisionist inquiry that rests squarely on the mechanisms of the dialectical Materialism of Marxism, Bill Contion and Biden/Harris have been the only fitful defenders of Hegelism democratic structures. And Bill Clinton produced a balance budge in spite of the Fascist subversion of Newt Gingrich.
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It’s well worth taking the time to read this informative article by Frances A. Chiu, Ph.D., to better understand where we were and where we are today. Don’t be ignorant of #history.
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Lewis called the bias towards the present time "Chronological Snobbery." The tyranny of the now has a multitude of negative consequences. In my latest Indianapolis Business Journal piece, I revisit Vaclav Havel's important speech entitled "The Need for Transcendence in the Postmodern World." If you can only read one, read his: If you have more time, here's my contribution:
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