⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Client experience of purchasing with Jason Callow Homes - Last month we had our first conference call with Jason as we prepared ourselves for a trip to Spain to view a portfolio of target properties. On arrival we met Jason who had planned a full day of visits that all aligned perfectly to the brief that he had taken on our previous zoom call. Every property hit the mark - so there was no wasted time! The shortlisting step is always challenging, but I have to say Jason remained at our disposal to revisit, re-evaluate and reflect so that we could make the best choice. We talked about location, € vs size ratios, capital growth, on-sell velocity, up-grade options on internal furnishing /materials, initial cost vs on-costs, property suitability for us, our children and our grandchildren including a potential desire to retire to Spain at some point (a challenging brief to say the least!). Everything that we needed to make the right decision was either available or secured at the point in time when we needed it.., right down to great solicitors, reliable doctors, banks, restaurants, shops, bars, buying cars and even registering our dog with a English speaking vet (they actually visit your house as it's less stressful for your dog!!). I have never known someone with so much knowledge, who is so amenable, so helpful and above all - incredibly nice! At no point did we feel we were being sold to...., it felt like you were with a close friend, who you completely trust and who had put themselves at your disposal to help. Since returning to the UK, regular updates continue to be provided, with more advice and guidance as and when you need it. If you are serious about securing a property in Spain our recommendation would be to engage Jason Callow as your first step. You'll never feel alone or isolated with your decision and it's unlikely you'll need anyone else to enable you to find your dream (Spanish) home! https://lnkd.in/d68sT2bM

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