JC (Jean-Charles) Bouzigues, MSEE, MBA’s Post

View profile for JC (Jean-Charles) Bouzigues, MSEE, MBA

Ex- LSI Logic, Altera, Toshiba ★ Sales and Business Development Guru ★ Semiconductor | SEU Mitigation | FPGA Design Debug | Patents licensing and litigation | Automotive | AI ★

If you are looking to boost your FPGA design debug, reach out or meet me at DVCon, Exostiv Labs booth. >>> If you use #Siemens, #Cadence or #Synopsys for your #SoC validation - we will augment your existing environment and help you accelerate finding these last bugs faster (x100 - x1000)! >>> If you do not, and rely on existing FPGA built in debug port - we will shorten finding bugs, 10,000x + faster. #FPGA #Debug #SoC #Validation

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