I used to find making money online HARD... This month I've done a little over 30k in REVENUE How? I focused on building my NETWORK rather than my ONLINE presence. I've never cared about going viral on social media once. ever. But I've done it time and time again. Yet It only grew my business by about 5% each time Then I started networking A LOT ...... Going to in-person networking events bi-weekly around my local area. Expanding my network on SOCIAL MEDIA, eg. Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, Skool, and so many other platforms. And my business exploded with new clientele But I cannot keep all of this wisdom to myself... So I'm giving you access to the "Novice Networking Guide" The guide includes: 5 Rapport Building Questions An 8-Part Networking Playbook 3 Follow-up Strategies & How to leverage Skool when networking Connect + comment "NOVICE" and I'll send it over (FREE for 72h, then $497)
It's Amazing Mate.!! When you build a strong network it will convert into Relationship & Trust. Waiting for doc NOVICE.. Jedd Talbot
I think the fundamental of all business comes to one thing "relationship '. Networking helps u do that.
If you focus on building real relationships, business growth will follow!
NOVICE Lately, my business progress has been from the key relationships I've discovered. It's great when you find people you can trust on your business/entrepreneurial journey.
Sales Lead @ eIdea Inc. | Customer Relationship Management