VERY INTERESTING and IMPORTANT ! RT: Seed World US #CGIAR is the world’s largest global agricultural innovation network. Learn more about its efforts and how that leads to a $47B per year benefit: #agriculture #FoodSecurity #climatechange #biotechnology #genebank #germplasm #plantbreeding #yield #yieldgap "Crop technologies developed thanks to partnership with CGIAR centers worldwide have been adopted into 546 million acres, according to a report in World Development scheduled for publication in April 2024. CGIAR is the world’s largest global agricultural innovation network. It aims to achieve a world free of poverty, hunger and environmental degradation via ag research. Its international network of agricultural research centres, working primarily in developing countries, achieved the following notable highlights between 1961 and 2020, according to the World Development report: Adoption of CGIAR’s crop technologies resulted in economic benefits estimated at US$47 billion per year. In the 2010s, technology adoption and welfare impacts related to CGIAR’s technologies were increasing by about $600 million annually. The cumulative economic impact of CGIAR-related crop research oversix decades (1961–2020) is estimated to be $1,334 billion (in constant 2015 PPP$). 92 countries have adopted crop technologies developed or supported by CGIAR. In addition to delivering enhanced crop varieties, CGIAR’s research efforts over the past 60 years have contributed notable gains in the management of crop pests and natural resources. CGIAR’s research focused in early years primarily on cereals — specifically rice and wheat — and particularly on Asia. More recently, it has expanded its efforts into additional crops, notably roots, tubers and grain legumes, and expanded its geographic impact into many more developing countries. Some of CGIAR’s biggest research efforts have focused on cassava and maize in Sub-Saharan Africa. Of all the countries impacted by CGIAR’s efforts, India, China and Nigeria have gained most overall ag economic benefit."
CGIAR is the world’s largest global agricultural innovation network. Learn more about its efforts and how that leads to a $47B per year benefit: