Single Minute Exhange of Dies (SMED) is a concept from manufacturing describing how we can move the non-value added steps (like prepping the tires, prepping the oil pan, everyone getting into position) to before or after the critical time of exchange. This is a dramatic example, but can apply to so many things! Here’s a simple one: when unloading groceries, how can we reduce the time the fridge is open?
Single-Minute Exchange of Die Level: PRO SMED can play a pivotal role, not only in F1 pit stops. Single-Minute Exchange of Die is a system that reduces the time it takes to complete equipment changeovers. So, the ultimate goal is to reduce the changeover time from hours down to < 10 mins (much less for F1 case) From 1990 to 2023, F1 pit stop times dropped significantly through Standard Work, Lean, and Innovation. Watch this video to learn the importance of accuracy and consistency in executing critical tasks! *** P.S. If you enjoyed this, repost it for your network and follow me Ivan Carillo for more.