I am currently emceeing the Grant Professionals Association's GrantSummit 2024, and yesterday was the Newcomers Reception, where I had the room make a map of the US with the water cooler being the Great Lakes! Then they meet folks from their state but not co-workers and answer: 1) what kind of work do you do? 2) what kind of work do you aspire to do? 3) what drew you to this kind of work? This allows them to meet folks and play connector at the conference for others!
Another fun year with you as our MC!
I just laughed out loud! Love this costume - what a treat for GPA!
Love this activity! Looks like they figured out where their state is.
I want you to emcee everyday of my life! 😂 Way to bring the fun + meaningful connection • Jessica Pettitt, MBA, CSP, MEd !
That flamingo is AMAZING!!! How fun
Great concept and I love the costume!
Hilarious! Love the outfit. Pink is your color👏
Your emcee skills and costumes never disappoint!
Outstanding concept & networking idea!
🚀 Bold Beyond Boundaries™ | Bolder people, workplaces, narrative comms & innovation | Bring out your team's best - Chief Improviser / Humorist to top Tech Leaders | Keynote Speaker, MC, Author | Workshops
1moNot sure what the costume is; I don't care. I love it!!!!!