📌 The objective of a steep spiral is to rapidly dissipate substantial amounts of altitude while remaining over a selected spot.
🔖 This maneuver is especially effective for emergency descents or landings.
📌 A steep spiral is a gliding turn where the pilot maintains a constant radius around a surface-based reference point while rapidly descending.
📌 Sufficient altitude must be gained prior to practicing the maneuver to complete at least three 360° turns.
🔖 The maneuver should not continue below 1,500 feet above ground level (AGL) unless an actual emergency exists.
📌 The steep spiral is initiated by properly clearing the airspace for traffic and hazards.
📌 Generally, the throttle is closed to idle, carburetor heat is applied if equipped, and gliding speed is established.
📌 Once the proper airspeed is attained, the pitch should be lowered, and the airplane rolled to the desired bank angles as the reference point is reached.
NB: The steepest bank should not exceed 60°.
📌 The gliding spiral should be a turn of constant radius while maintaining the airplane’s position relative to the reference point.
🔖 This is achieved by correcting for wind drift: steepening the bank on downwind headings and shallowing the bank on upwind headings, similar to the “turns around a point” maneuver.
📌 Operating the engine at idle for prolonged periods during the glide may result in excessive engine cooling, spark plug fouling, or carburetor ice.
🔖 To avoid these issues, periodically advance the throttle to normal cruise power for a few seconds.
🔖 Maintaining a constant airspeed throughout the maneuver is crucial, as airspeed tends to fluctuate with changes in bank angle.
📌 During rollout, smooth and accurate application of flight controls allows the airplane to recover to a wings-level glide without changing airspeed.
🔖 Recovery to normal cruise flight follows the establishment of a wings-level glide.
#Aviation #SteepSpiral #FlightTraining #PilotSkills #EmergencyProcedures #AviationSafety #AircraftControl #AerospaceEngineering #SasidharanMurugan #Itzmemsd
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