Stop letting people tell you what your voice should sound like on LinkedIn. You’re not running their business, it’s your voice that matters… - not theirs. Some people will like it, some won’t… it doesn’t matter cos You want to draw your people to your business And you don’t want any surprises for them throughout their journey with you How do you find your voice? - Speak often and write often - you’ll discover some surprising gems appear that you can incorporate in your brand voice - Listen to the things you say often to prospects; they’ll provide the pillars of your brand - Keep refining your voice so it genuinely reflects you and your business The trick, don’t steal someone else’s voice, it’s yours people wanna hear.
All about being authentic Jill
Being real attracts more.
At the end of the day people just want authenticity, even if it’s messy.
LinkedIn™ Unlocked | Turning SME's and Solopreneurs’ LinkedIn™ Presence into Lead Generators and Client Magnets
5moDon't underestimate the importance of finding your own voice - those posts you like... it's because they've discovered their voice and it really resonates with you.💗💗💗