At its most fundamental core, strategy is about the allocation of scarce resources. Even Google and Amazon do not have unlimited resources. You can’t say yes to everything. Squirrels and shiny balls can be dangerous. Just because you started a project does not mean you have to finish it. You can’t make every customer happy. Sometimes there are projects and customers you need to walk away from. You must have the courage to say “no” to anything that does not move your strategy forward. Discover My Work: #ExecutiveCoaching #Business #Advice #PersonalDevelopment
The ability to tactfully and emphatically say, “no,” is a challenging but important skill to hone.
Customer Operations Manager at British Airways
5moYes this is where I really do need to be more careful. Saying yes is my default and that has to change to maybe. Enjoying your posts John Spence I feel in accord with your way of operating. Thank you. 😀