“There are estimated to be 35 Passivhaus schools currently underway or in the pipeline in Scotland. The international Passivhaus building standard offers exceptional energy efficiency, cutting a building’s heating energy use by up to 80%, compared to current building regulations, as well as delivering exemplary levels of interior comfort, wellbeing, and durability. Scottish Futures Trust funding This revolution in Scottish schools has come about thanks to an innovative funding mechanism from the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT). Projects receiving funding need to meet an ambitious energy target and funding may be reduced based on any performance gap post-completion. The Passivhaus standard effectively eliminates the performance gap, de-risking the securing of funding. It has been impressive how swiftly the industry, supply chain and clients have adjusted to delivering to the Passivhaus standard in the education sector. And perhaps these school projects can offer useful lessons to the wider Scottish construction industry.”
Scotland’s #Passivhaus schools teach the construction industry important lessons. Read Sarah Lewis article for Project Scotland: https://lnkd.in/gnTbqJrQ Scottish Futures Trust Built Environment - Smarter Transformation Alex Rowley MSP Architype ECD Architects Ltd Holmes Miller The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland The Scottish Ecological Design Association