Happy Veterans’ Day! I have to admit, I’ve been meaning to make this post for years. My time in service, for those that know me, was full of tremendous highs and devastating lows. When I left the service, Lord knows, I was DONE! But as time goes on, I often find myself reflecting upon my service and I find much pride when taking inventory of the many lessons learned during my time in service to my country. Here are a few that I feel are as relevant today as ever. 1. Chill out, it’s not that serious! Nothing is life or death… unless it’s life or death. 2. You’re way stronger than you believe you are. There’s nothing you can’t withstand for a Year; If not a year, a Month; If not a month, a Week; If not a week, a Day; If not a day, an Hour… Minute… Second 3. All differences can be overcome when working towards a shared goal. Sounds cliché, but I’ve seen it! 4. Control what is in your power to control. The rest is just noise! 5. Surround yourself with as many people as you can… Who are NOT like you! There’s strength in diversity – we fill each other’s gaps! This is clearly an abridged list. The lessons learned while serving in the US Army are too vast to include here. Some lessons, I’m sill only just beginning to understand. All in all, though, I’m better for having served. I’m better for the people I’ve met, the things I’ve seen, and places I’ve been. Thank you to all my fellow Veterans! Today is your day, Enjoy it!
Thank you for the above list and thank you for your service.
Thank you, Jonathan (Jay) Deleon, MBA, for all your service to our country and for sharing this.
Thank you Jonathan (Jay) Deleon, MBA - and all the brave veterans - for your service 🙏🏻
Wonderful post. Thank you so much for your service!
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3moFellow Army vet here, Jonathan (Jay) Deleon, MBA. Your post resonated with me. At the time of ETS, I was soooooo done! But, all of your points resonate. In fact, I've not worn a hat for more than a total time of perhaps 3 hours since I left. Happy Veteran's day!