Life is good
That’s a bet I win EVERY……SINGLE……TIME
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Life is good
That’s a bet I win EVERY……SINGLE……TIME
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It was a great Friday morning session. Thank you for continuously trusting our community. We learned a lot from your sharing. Thank you for continuously growing with us. Congratulations for all your wins! 👏 See you again, Champions! God bless you! ❤️ #TheChampionsWay #SAVERS #QuestionAndAnswerSession #TheSuccessPrinciples #PassionDisciplineAttitude #ElevateResultsTrainingAndConsulting #SalesTrainingPhilippines #SalesMentoringAndCoaching #ElevateYourPerformance #ElevateYourSales #ElevateYourResults
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Thank you for joining us today, Champions. ❤️ We feel so grateful and blessed to have this opportunity to learn and grow from and with each other again. Truly, God is amazing as He guided us through out our session. Keep winning! See you again, Champions! God bless you! ❤️ #TheChampionsWay #SAVERS #QuestionAndAnswerSession #TheSuccessPrinciples #PassionDisciplineAttitude #ElevateResultsTrainingAndConsulting #SalesTrainingPhilippines #SalesMentoringAndCoaching #ElevateYourPerformance #ElevateYourSales #ElevateYourResults
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Green ✅ flags in people: • They celebrate your wins • Remember small things about you • They respect your boundaries • You feel energized after seeing them • They listen without being defensive • They allow you to be fully yourself • They make you feel safe • You don't have to watch what you say • They support your goals
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Willingness to learn and grow is the success formula
"Cultivating Growth, Harvesting Success | Farmer, Data Analyst & Hiring Manager | Founder, Ignite Humanity Hub & Daily Motivation"
I will win 💖
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The world needs wrestling. Wrestling is the human experience. Where grappling with opponents mirrors the struggles we face in our daily lives. Through wrestling, individuals learn invaluable lessons in perseverance, resilience, and the art of navigating adversity. Each match becomes a microcosm of the human condition, offering profound lessons in confronting fears, pushing boundaries, and extracting wisdom from triumphs and setbacks alike. Wrestling, therefore, stands as a timeless conduit for mining the depths of our past experiences and transforming them into catalysts for growth and self-discovery. My favorite quote: The "Man in the Arena" quote comes from a speech given by Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, in 1910. Here's the quote: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." The world needs wrestling.
Congratulations to 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 who gave their Hearts this Season.
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Winners Lift Each Other: Surround Yourself With Cheerleaders. Success Reveals True Loyalty: Who's in Your Corner.? Please enter "Real ones Edi. Friends that are friends cheer you with honored victories" "Surround yourself with the claps 👏". That is their loyalty sort of applause! Winners Root For Winners 💯 Seek Those People Who Always Clap For You Success shows who your real tribe 🌟 Also has LOUDER CLAPS THAN THE COMPETITION🙌 And — CELEBRATE WITH PEOPLE WHO CHEER! Your people = your tribe + cheers! follow us__ Sahib Khan for more posts like this. #CelebrateSuccess #WinnersCircle #PositiveVibes
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It was a productive morning session for Independence Day! Thank you so much for your time, Champions. You are all amazing! We're beyond grateful for another opportunity to be of service to you. Congratulations for all your wins, Champions! God bless! ❤️ #TheChampionsWay #SAVERS #BookStudy #HowToWinFriendsAndInfluencePeople #PassionDisciplineAttitude #ElevateResultsTrainingAndConsulting #SalesTrainingPhilippines #SalesMentoringAndCoaching #ElevateYourPerformance #ElevateYourSales #ElevateYourResults
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An interesting leadership lesson from one of the greatest managers of all time. It highlights the importance of connecting with your team and find a purpose.
How Sir Alex used to inspire his players ❤️
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