Today we launched our MVP! 🚀 (Energy sector data scientists, this ones for you) We built Weave to improve access to energy data and accelerate the adoption of AI across the sector. ⚡️ We have big ambitions, but to start with, we focussed on improving access to high resolution smart meter data to supercharge energy forecasting models. 📈 With just a few lines of code, you can get half hourly data for 2 million smart meters into a Pandas DataFrame in 90 seconds. 🤯 Try it for yourself 👉🏼
It is amazing! Do you also provide electricity market data? It is quite cumbersome to get intraday auction data or continuous trading data. Aspiring data scientists in the energy industry would definitely benefit from having easy access to such data 😉
Verena Wimmer
Assistant Professor - Power Systems
2moThis is a nice compilation of the open data portals. Do you plan to scale up the time horizon considered as more data is released?